The Magpie Salute
The Fillmore
San Francisco, CA
September 8, 2017
** 16 BIT **
Source: Sonic Studios DSM-6P w/3-way lo-cut filter (@ 80hz, middle setting) > Tascam DR-2d @ 16 bit/44.1 kHz
Mastering: .WAV > Sound Forge Pro 11.0 (Build 299) [iZotope Mastering Suite (declick); minor edits, normalize, & fades] > CDWav tracking) > Trader's Little Helper (level 5) > FLAC > TagScanner 6.0.18 (tagging)
Location: Front corner of the middle left window upstairs
Recorded by: Steve "ballsdeep" Hagar
Mastered by: Dennis Orr
01 Gone (1)
02 Greasy Grass River
03 Hotel Illness
04 Omission
05 I'm Free (2)
06 It's Not Easy (3)
07 Chat
08 War Drums (1)(4)
09 Acoustic Set Setup
10 BlackWaterSlide (5)(6)(3)
11 Feathers (5)
12 Good Friday (5)
13 Lay It All On Me (7)
14 Smoke Signals (2)
15 Stand Up
16 Shipwreck (3)
17 Ten Years Gone
18 Miserable
19 Bitter Bitter You
20 Another Roadise Tragedy
21 Chat & Band Intros
- Encore -
22 Thorn's Progress Jam >
23 Thorn In My Pride >
24 Jam >
25 Thorn In My Pride
26 No Speak No Slave
(1) With Randy Brown on Congas
(2) Marc - lead vocals
(3) Rich - lead vocals
(4) With Tom Politzer on saxophone
(5) Acoustic, without Sven
(6) Rich, Marc, & Joe only
(7) Starts acoustic without Sven, finsihes electric as Sven re-enters
Rich Robinson - guitars & vocals
Marc Ford - guitars & vocals
John Hogg - lead vocals & percussion
Sven Pipien - bass
Joe Magistro - drums
Chris Konte - keyboards
Nico Bereciartua - guitars & mandolin
Charity White - backing vocals
Adrien Reju - backing vocals
Katrine Ottosen - backing vocals, harp, & melodica
Show Notes:
Where, oh-motherfucking-where to begin?
It was a 150 minute bacchanal of ree-donkulous proportions.
To start, my taping location - I was told "security screwed up" by letting us tape from there the night previous. NOTHING was to be on the railing, the ledge, or anything of the sort.
Well, seeing as how I don't like "no" for an answer, I escalated it to the manager of the Fillmore, and while she's not a fan of anything on the railing or duct tape, I was able to win her over with my story about buying "residue free duct tape" (vs. gaffers tape), and when she rubbed her hand on the table after I removed it, her stance softened, and we were allowed to tape from upstairs (above the crowd...remember Jimmy Page and his mic placement), which I was reminded again, NO ONE is allowed to do.
Yeah, ok, whatever...
As for the show, I'll just nutshell the highlights...(not in any particular order, chronological or otherwise) 'cuz y'all are gonna muddy your Michael Morgan's when you hear what went down tonight...
--- Gone as an opener
--- Ten Years Gone
--- a ridiculous Blackwaterslide, which Led Zeppelin's "White Summer/Black Mountain Side" is based on
--- acoustic Feathers, that was as delicate as it was sexy
--- guest sax from a Tower Of Power guy on a *sick* version of War Drums
--- a 20 minute Thorn In My Pride, best version I've seen in 20+ years
--- Miserable > Bitter Bitter You > Another Roadside Tragedy
--- No Speak No Slave finale
Did I mention it was right at 2.5 hours? ;) ;) ;)
All that said, there are two *ginormous* thank yous for this one.
Firstly, a HUGE thanks to Anderson O and his wife for putting up with my near-fish like tendencies for a couple days (yeah, that stink of Alaska). Not only did he provide me with a comfy sofa bed to lay my head on in the heart of SF, but he led me to cool, local restaurants, and provided me even with *safe*, free guest parking. I could puff away to my hearts content without worrying about junkie hands reaching for my pipe.
Simply put, without him, you'd not be hearing any captures from me (hopefully) in Sacramento, Santa Cruz and Fresno, as he saved me literally hundreds of dollars with his humble kindness.
If you don't thank him, you have no decency.
Speaking of thanks, his name is Dennis, and he cleared his mothafuckin' plate to make sure that the turnarounds on these shows will be prompt. tThe time he spends working my garbage into a listenable form should not be underestimated, nor should it be ignored with a "snatch and run".
A simple "thanks Anderson and Dennis" is all that is being asked for.
As for me, I'm used to fucking off, so hit me with your best shot.
Just north of Sacramento now, batteries charging and files a dumping...
What is in store for tomorrow?
We soon shall see
---ballsdeep OVER and OUT!!!!!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
MagpieSalute2017-09-08TheFillmoreSanFranciscoCA (9).jpg