Makaya McCraven Quartet.
Summertown Studio.
1.Seventh String > ? ( continuous music for 37 mins, no song announcements after the opener )
2 ?
3 Tranquility
4 This Place That Place
Drums : Makaya McCraven
Bass Junius Paul
Guitar: Matt Bold
Trumpet/percussion:Marquis Hill
Great little venue, although there was a faint pong of decomposition coming from the yard next door, masked by occasional wafts of dope smoke coming from somewhere. !
There was very little talking, no loud conversations during songs.. Mix was excellent , overall the sound is very nice on this recording, there was a few seconds where the bass was making the rim of Makayas snare reverberate, he noticed what was going on and fixed it, the bass has had dehummer applied slightly on that section. .
four video segments of this show can be seen here.
SP-CMC-25 cards >SP 12 volt BB > Sony PCM M10 > 16bit wav >A, adjust levels and minor EQ > amplified about 3db >Flac>XACT ( LEVEL 8 )
Stealth mode 2 metres from stage
Recorded, transferred , edit by gods golfball
don�t sell or distribute for trade in Mp3 format .
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: