All The Hits Tour 2022
Stadthalle, Orangerie,
2022-June-16 (Thursday)
Source: Audience Zoom H4n Recording
recorded by Jofisch
Lineage: OKM 2 mics(A3 - 20db) > Zoom H4n (16/44) > Audacity (kick filter) > Flac 8
The concert took place at the Stadthalle at the Orangerie in Kirchheimbolanden, a small town in south west Germany. The location has been rescheduled from Nieder Olm due to corona. It was my first MMEB concert in 2022.
The band played his usual set with no surprises in front of 400 people. The audience was attentive, as you could hear.
Line up:
Manfred Mann - keyb, vocals
Robert Hart - vocals, guitar
Mick Rogers - guitars, vocals
Steve Kinch - bass, vocals
John Lingwood - drums
01. Intro
02. Captain Bobby Stout
02. Don't Kill It Carol
03. Martha's Madman
04. Stronger Than Me
05. You Angel You
06. Guitar Solo Intro to...
07. Father Of Day, Father Of Night
08. Demolition Man
09. (I Came) For You
10. Blinded By The Light
11. Davy's On The Road Again
12. -thanks/audience/talk-
13. Do Wah Diddy Diddy
14. Quinn the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn)
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