Greatest Hits
Trondheim, Norway
October 20. 2024
Source: unknbown
Recorded by ijwthstd
Lineage: SP-CMC-4U -> A10 -> Audiacity (tracked and named) > Flac 8
This one is from the recent tour and is a ijwthstd recording from the concert at the Olavshallen in Trondheim; Norway (Capacity ca 1500 people).
Ijwthstd took the long journey over the ocean to visit a MMEB concert and gladly recorded it with his fine equipment.
I am proud to be allowed to share it here at Dime.
Line up:
Manfred Mann - keyb, vocals
James Steward - keyb assistant
Robert Hart - vocals, guitar
Mick Rogers - guitars, vocals
Steve Kinch - bass, vocals
John Lingwood - drums
Total: 98:24 min
01. Intro (0:33)
02. Captain Bobby Stout (6:53)
03. Don't Kill It Carol (11:25)
04. Martha's Madman (8:12)
05. Stronger Than Me (6:30)
06. You Angel You (3:46)
07. Guitar Solo Prelude (5:19)
08. Father Of Day, Father Of Night (9:54)
09. Manfred is telling a story (8:00)
10. (I Came) For You (5:11)
11. Blinded By The Light (9:27)
12. Davy's On The Road Again (9:26)
13. Applause And Audience (1:51)
14. Pretty Flamingo (4:17)
15. Do Wah Diddy Diddy (4:01)
16. Quinn the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn) (13:12)
Total Time: 108:07 min
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This Is Intended For Free Trade Only.
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Support The Band Buying Their Stuff and visit their shows !
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
ManfredMannsEarthBand2024-10-20OlavshallenTrondheimNorway (19).JPG
ManfredMannsEarthBand2024-10-20OlavshallenTrondheimNorway (2).JPG
ManfredMannsEarthBand2024-10-20OlavshallenTrondheimNorway (20).JPG
ManfredMannsEarthBand2024-10-20OlavshallenTrondheimNorway (21).JPG
ManfredMannsEarthBand2024-10-20OlavshallenTrondheimNorway (22).JPG
ManfredMannsEarthBand2024-10-20OlavshallenTrondheimNorway (23).JPG
ManfredMannsEarthBand2024-10-20OlavshallenTrondheimNorway (24).JPG
ManfredMannsEarthBand2024-10-20OlavshallenTrondheimNorway (3).JPG
ManfredMannsEarthBand2024-10-20OlavshallenTrondheimNorway (4).JPG
ManfredMannsEarthBand2024-10-20OlavshallenTrondheimNorway (5).JPG
ManfredMannsEarthBand2024-10-20OlavshallenTrondheimNorway (6).JPG
ManfredMannsEarthBand2024-10-20OlavshallenTrondheimNorway (7).JPG
ManfredMannsEarthBand2024-10-20OlavshallenTrondheimNorway (8).JPG
ManfredMannsEarthBand2024-10-20OlavshallenTrondheimNorway (9).JPG