Manfred Mann's Earthband - 1999-08-14 Speyer
Lineage: Silver CD or CDR > CDR > CDex > wav > Flac Frontend > flac
Very good quality. Very good audience source or SBD source.
01 Shelter from the storm
02 Pleasure and pain
03 Martha's madmen
04 Don't kill it, Carol
05 Demolition man
06 Blinded by the light
07 Instrumental
08 Redemption song
09 Davy's on the road again
10 Mighty Quinn
There are 1 or 2 tracks missing, 'cos I had only 74minute CDRs the time some years ago when I copied the original CDs.
The one/one of them is 'Father of day, father of night', when I remember it right.
I think also that the original disc is a double disc. But I'm not sure.
There's a breaks between tracks 3 and 4 and tracks 4 and 5.
The cover is a re-scan from a printout, that's all I have.
No further informations available, no line-up, no back cover.
1st seed 2005-05-09 @ by uuughh
2nd seed 2006-06-24 @ by uuughh
3rd seed 2007-01-15 @ by uuughh
4th seed 2008-08-02 @ by uuughh
5th seed 2017-08-12 @ by uuughh
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