Finki Open Air
Finkenbach, Germany
16 August 2014
Lineage: Line Audio CM3 > Zoom H4 > SD card > USB > PC > WAV > Adobe Audition CS6 (tracking, slight EQ, volume adjust) > TLH > FLAC (L8, align on sector boundaries)
Taping position: Left of soundboard, on tripod, 3m up in the air
Recorded, transfered & mastered by propylaen
1. Soundcheck
2. Introduction by Mani Neumeier
3. Postwar Apocalypse > Same Thing > Postwar Reprise
4. Well My Woman Left Me
5. Kailash
6. Hit The Brakes
7. Silence
8. Have You Ever Loved A Woman
9. The Mule
10. Announcements by Mani Neumeier
Ariane Bertogg - Bass
Marc Walser - Guitar/Vocals
Dave Zurbuchen - Drums
Winfried Rimbach-Sator - Organ (on tracks 5-9)
Support the artists! Buy their official releases, go to their concerts!
Trade freely! Do not buy or sell! Keep it lossless!
Uploaded to DIME by propylaen in September 2014.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: