Marc Ducret Solo [Lewojazz-TomP]
A l'improviste
Radio-France studio 106, Paris
Recorded: 2017-01-30
Broadcast: 2017-03-11

Source 1: Francemusique 256/48k TS-file music portions recorded by Lewojazz > i-Sound (44.1k wav)
Source 2: Inter-track applause extracted from video webstream by Lewojazz

Fine Lewojazz art is included - thanks !!

Quality: EX+

Another fine Lewojazz ts-file recording of the stunning clarity broadcast by Francemusique, it was said to feature 2 improvisations
accordingnto the French radio announcers, which were cut up and extended talk / interview sections added, but actually also had
a short Encore that became apparent from the slightly lower SQ video webstream audio extract that Lewojazz subsequently sent me,
which containedthe live applause instead of the talk sections.

Other than seamlessly stiching the 2 sources to restore the the continuous live performance, it needed very little editing and there are
still unusual sections of Marc's voice apparently speaking into the guitar strings. Both the performance and sound quality justify the
very rare EX+ rating.

TomP post on Dime, March 2017...Enjoy !!

Marc Ducret, guitar & voice

01 - Improvisation 1 22:18
02 - Improvisation 2 15:44
03 - Encore 02:27

Total = 40:29

Edit details (Nero 8 unless indicated):

Equalised volume levels during the source transitions
Stitched in applause from source 2 to remove the studio talk that was subsequently added to source 1
Flac tags (Tag & Rename)
Flac 6, md5 & SBE / decode check (TLH)

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

MarcDucret2017-01-30SoloStudio106RadioFrance (1).png
MarcDucret2017-01-30SoloStudio106RadioFrance (2).png
MarcDucret2017-01-30SoloStudio106RadioFrance (3).png
MarcDucret2017-01-30SoloStudio106RadioFrance (4).png