Marco Benevento
16 November 2012 (Friday)
U Street Music Hall
Washington, D.C.
Source: Studio Projects LSD2 (Blumlein) Hydra silver XLR + SBD > Edirol R-44 (24/48)
Location: on stage
Transfer: R-44 > iMac. Tracked and dithered via Sound Studio, FLAC via xACT
Recorded by Alex Leary (vwmule at
01. Fireworks
02. Greenpoint
03. Escape Horse
04. The Real Morning Party
05. Hearbeats
06. Atari
07. RISD
08. This is How it Goes
09. Bus Ride
10. Limbs of a Pine
11. It Came from You
-- Wolf! opened
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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