Marcus King Band
5.24.2017 - Wednesday
Summer Camp preshow
Kenny’s Westside
Peoria, IL
Source: Matrix; SBD > R-09HR (@24/48)
AKG (ck63) Naiant actives > MixPre-D > R-09HR (@24/48)
Franken Nak 700 (CP-702) > tinybox > R-09HR (@24/48)
Franken Nak 300 (CP3) > tinybox > R-09HR (@24/48)
Mic info: FOB, ROC, 25’ from stage, 9’ up
Lineage: .wav @24/48> WaveLab 7.2.1> UAD-2(mix/master)> Apogee UV22HR>
.wav @16/44.1> xAct> flac16.
FOH - Dave Cannon
Taped by sos
Mixed and mastered by Alex Ford
One Set [117:03]:
01. Always (w/ Atomic Dog)
02. Side Door Open
03. Fraudulent Waffle
04. Opie
05. Keep Movin’ with Hot’lanta tease and a verse of A Change Gonna Come by Sam Cooke
06. Band Intro
07. The Man You Didn’t Know
08. Had To Cry Today (Blind Faith)
09. Thespian Espionage
10. Brown Sugar (DeAngelo)
11. You Pulled the Trigger> I Can’t Quit Ya> Sexy Ida>
12. Papa was a Rolling Stone> You Pulled The Trigger
13. Virginia
14, Encore Break
15. Self Hatred > Dreams
- * Thanks to Marty Loving for setlist help!
The Marcus King Band is:
Marcus King: Vocals, Guitar
Jack Ryan: Drums
Stephen Campbell: Bass
Justin Johnson: Trumpet, Trombone
Matt Jennings: Organ, Keyboards
Dean Mitchell: Saxophone
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: