Marcus King Band, Agen-France, Cap Cinema, 13 march 2018, SM aud master
Excellent jam band here.
Recorded from the 2d row, facing right PA with :
2 x DPA 4099 supercard mics - DAD6001 - Zoom H5 (48/24), phantom on.
Downsampled 44/16 wav to PC, Audacity (volume adjustments, tracks, FLAC export), md5 with TLH.
No eq made on this recording, do your own cook (just a bit of more treble ?).
Marcus King - Vocals & Guitar
Jack Ryan - Drums
Stephen Campbell - Bass
Justin "JJ" Johnson - Trumpet/Trombone
..... - Keyboards
Dean Mitchell - Saxophone/Flute
01 Intro
02 Good Man
03 ...
04 Honey - Jam - Thespian Espionage
05 Radio Soldier
06 Dyin'
07 Self Heatred - ...
08 How Long
09 ... (with drums)
10 Audience
11 Rita Is Gone
I let the chained songs in same N�.
Sorry for blanks in band members and setlist.
Some pics added.
Samples in comments.
On dime by letsgo, march 2018.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
MarcusKingBand2018-03-13AgenCapCinemaFrance (4).JPG
MarcusKingBand2018-03-13AgenCapCinemaFrance (5).JPG
MarcusKingBand2018-03-13AgenCapCinemaFrance (6).JPG
MarcusKingBand2018-03-13AgenCapCinemaFrance (7).JPG
MarcusKingBand2018-03-13AgenCapCinemaFrance (8).JPG
MarcusKingBand2018-03-13AgenCapCinemaFrance (9).JPG