Mark Hummel & the Golden State Lone Star Review with Little Charlie & Anson Funderburgh
8th Annual Blues Festival
Niagara Falls, NY
September 12, 2015
16 bit version
Taped and transferred by bigdaddybflo
Matrixed & mastered by }{eywood
source 1: Soundboard > Tascam DR-07
Source 2: CA14s > CA9100 > Tascam DR-07
Lineage: DR-07s > USB > Wetransfer > Adobe Audition 1.5 (EQ on the aud master only so it didn't cause bloating where it fades up, multitrack mixing, peak limiting, splits & fades) > Xrecode II (conversion to 16/44.1) > TLH (sector alignment, flac 8)
The Niagara Falls Blues Festival is a three day long event in september every year. Bigdaddybflo often runs two decks at these blues festivals, one with his mics, the other off the board. When I mix these things I don't do a straight even mix. I have the SBD tape at 100% and the AUD at 25% during the songs. During the dialogue (and a couple slower moments where there was audience participation) the AUD comes up full and brings the applause into the mix more.
02 Never no More
04 What Is That She Got
05 Midnoght Hour
06 Got to Go
07 Hideaway
08 Blues Stop Knockin'
09 Detroit Blue
11 My Back Scratcher
12 The Hustle is On