Mark Lewisohn
Hornsey Road
Gala Theatre
Durham UK
Audience Recording
Quality B+
Lineage Tascam DR-40>HD>The Trader's Den.
Recorded in the circle front row
A splendid time was guaranteed for all. Not sure what to expect but loved it all.
A sound and picture seminar of The Beatles what more do you need to say.
Support the writer and buy his books.
We know everything there is to know about The Beatles,so what else can possibly be written?
People say that all the time and i don't agree with it for a second. Mark Lewisohn
Mark Lewisohn is the acknowledged world authority on the Beatles. His books include Tune In (which is the first volume in his historical trilogy The Beatles: All These Years) as well as the bestselling and influential Recording Sessions, The Complete Beatles Chronicle and (as co-author) The Beatles’ London. He was consultant and researcher for all aspects – TV, DVDs, CDs and book – of The Beatles Anthology. A photographer in the little spare time he allows, his work appears in the photo book An Englishman In Mons.
The surprises and delights of ABBEY ROAD, the Beatles’ final album – 50 years on September 2019 is the golden anniversary of the Beatles’ multi-platinum album Abbey Road – the last work they recorded before their seismic breakup. It was both the end of the Sixties and the end of the greatest band of all time.
To hail this anniversary, world’s leading Beatles historian Mark Lewisohn is touring a theatre show of illumination, intrigue, surprises, delights, humour, excitement and entertainment – a fast-moving and smart illustrated history of our forever national-heroes the Beatles, their brilliant album Abbey Road, and other major events of that extraordinary year 1969.
Mark Lewisohn has the world’s greatest archive of Beatles stuff, harvested over 40+ years of unrivalled deep access to archives and public and private collections. He will be showing audiences a stunning array of strong and relevant content, with rare music, photos, films and choice memorabilia. Audiences (even superfans) will see and hear things they didn’t know existed.
Hornsey Road (that intriguing title will be explained …), tells all about how the album was made and the many momentous events that occurred during its recording, when the Beatles were joyously together inside the recording studio but falling apart outside. This was the year of their breakup, and the album was made at a time of turmoil in their personal and business lives.
Abbey Road wasn’t just one of so many glorious and triumphant chapters in the Beatles’ unparalleled time together, it was their best-selling and last piece of work. Audiences at Hornsey Road will be constantly grabbed by the sights and sounds that show how it all came together.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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