Martha Reeves & the Vandellas
Thursday September 3rd 2015
Brooklyn Bowl
London UK
Taper: LeifH
Source: CA-11 (cardioid) > CA-Bat2B > Sony PCM M10 @ 24/48 > Lexar 16GB microSD card
Transfer: Memory card > PC via USB > Wavepad Master's Edition (edits, amplify, tracking, downsample to 16/44.1) > flac (8) via Frontend
Setlist: 1:28:36
00 introduction
01 Wild Night
02 I'm Ready For Love
03 Come and Get These Memories
04 A Love Like Yours (Don't Come Knocking Everyday)
05 Nowhere To Run
06 Jimmy Mack
07 Something
08 (Love Is Like A) Heat Wave
09 My Baby Loves Me
10 Watch Your Back
11 Dancing in the Street >
12 Chaser (Medley)
I ended up bowling a couple games before the show started. As it turned out, if you arrived before doors to bowl, you were already in the venue and didn't get checked for tickets.
Opening band was The Dustaphonics who were pretty good. There were people bowling during both acts, which can't be heard other than in between the music. The lanes are off to the right (stage left).
Martha was pretty good. Unfortunately, there were 3 young couples in the crowd celebrating a birthday. Suffice to say they were drunk and coked up. The 3 girls were talking and taking, "selfies," throughout the performance and were asked numerous times to put a sock in it. Everyone else was there to enjoy the music, but to them it was just background noise and a different backdrop for their cell phones pictures. At one point they were doing 'rips' off the lip of the stage. You can hear Martha say, "Isn't that a little dangerous?" They dropped pint glasses on the floor on purpose, one of which broke. The couples began saying offensive things, such as, "Are you a boy or a girl?" to a woman who told them to shut up. Later they would call her a cunt and a fat bitch. One of the boyfriends was told by a bouncer to chill out or they would be shown the exit. The final straw was when one of them used the 'N' word on a nice black girl during Watch Your Back. The white girl then got a pint glass smashed on her head, and almost simultaneously, the boyfriend was punched out for picking a fight with the bouncer. I'm standing a yard away, laughing my ass off, but also kind of pissed off because it cut the show short. Martha didn't want to perform with people fighting. White girl lands on broken glass shards, and boyfriend is pinned down by the neck. Band leaves the stage, house lights come on, show is over. A few moments passed, and the band came back to play their last song. People yelled at the idiots to get out.
I took a bunch of pictures of the pathetic white trash on the floor. One of the girlfriends saw me and was fucking pissed. After the show she tried to verbally abuse me, but I had some choice words for her and she stormed off. Unfortunately, I had already shut off my recorder, and Martha was nearby, signing stuff. Not only would it have been funny to listen back on what she had to say to me, but if Martha wasn't so close I would have been a lot meaner too.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
MarthaAndTheVandellas2015-09-03BrooklynBowlLondonUK (8).JPG
MarthaAndTheVandellas2015-09-03BrooklynBowlLondonUK (9).JPG