Martha Wainwright
The Stables
Milton Keynes, England
August 6, 2022

Lineage: Roland R-09 [internal mics] > wav files received via WeTransfer > PC > Audacity 3.1.3 (amplification, mastering, tracking) > TLH (FLAC 8) > Dime

Sound Quality: Let the samples be your guide.

01. [applause]
02. Tell My Sister
03. Love Will Be Reborn
04. Hole In My Heart
05. [talk]
06. Getting Older
07. [talk]
08. Bleeding All Over You
09. When The Day Is Short
10. [talk]
11. Report Card
12. Far Away
13. [talk]
14. This Life
15. [talk]
16. Go Leave
17. [talk]
18. Dinner At Eight
19. [talk]
20. Thanksgiving
21. The Factory
22. [encore applause & talk]
23. Both Sides Now

Total Time (81:39) [one set, continuous recording]

Martha Wainwright - vocals, acoustic guitar, piano
Thom Gill - electric guitar
Phil Melanson - drums
Morgan Moore - bass
Thomas Bartlett - piano
Robin Dann - backing vocals


-Do not sell this recording.
-Do not alter this recording or convert to mp3 or other lossy formats except for your own personal use.
-If you share this recording elsewhere, keep the original text file intact.
-Support the artists by attending shows and purchasing official releases.

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

MarthaWainwright2022-08-06TheStablesMiltonKeynesUK (1).jpg