Martin Carthy & Eliza Carthy
St Mary's In The Wall Church
Colchester, England
Norma Waterson was also due to appear but was taken ill, so this appearance
of a'duo' is something of a rarity.
1. The Return To Camden Town
2. Jacky Tar
3. All Of A Row
4. Polly Bishop's Slip Jig
5. The Grey Cock
6. Clyde's Water
7. Seventeen Come Sunday
8. Jack Hall
9. John Hamilton
10. Instrumental #1
11. The Tailor's Britches
12. The Slaves Lament / Farewell To A Dark Haired Friend
13. Ye Mariner's All
14. Instrumental #2
15. The Light Dragoon
16. Rags & Tatters / An Moinfeuir
Lineage : trade cdr > EAC > Wav > Flac