Martin Barre Band
Corte Cavalchina
Custoza, Italy
June 29, 2019
(MRDR Master Series Volume 47)

Recording: Sony ECM717 microphone > Zoom

Transfer: Zoom Master > .wav file transfer > iZotope RX / ozone 5 (mastered) > Peak Pro 6 (post production) > xACT 2.37 > FLAC

01 To Cry You A Song
02 Hymn 43
03 Back To Steel
04 Lone Wolf
05 (This Is) My Driving Song
06 Back To The Family
07 For A Thousand Mothers
08 Nothing Is Easy
09 Eleanor Rigby
10 I Want You (She's So Heavy)
11 Aqualung
12 Heavy Horses
13 Songs From The Wood
14 Blues
15 My Sunday Feeling
16 A Song For Jeffrey
17 Moment Of Madness
18 Jump Start
19 A New Day Yesterday
20 Locomotive Breath

Known Faults:

Welcome to Volume 47 of the MRDR Master Series. Before the world came to a halt, the Martin Barre Band brought their "Celebrating 50 Years Of Jethro Tull" tour to the small village of Custoza in the province of Verona. MRDR were on hand to capture the night's performance.

Martin has assembled a spectacular band to pay tribute to the legacy of his old band. Dan Crisp, an excellent choice on lead vocals does an outstanding job filling in and replicating Ian Anderson's signature singing style without making it a carbon copy.

One thing that really stands out the is what an intrinsic part of the Jethro Tull sound Martin was.

The small venue, essentially a farmhouse, has excellent acoustics which resulted in a spectacular capture from MR & DR.

This close intimacy also resulted in some beautiful photographs from MR we've used in the covers.

Thanks to MR & DR for the fantastic capture, they are currently staying healthy and safe in scarred and wounded Italy. Our thoughts and prayers go out to country and the world in these uncertain times, hopefully this brings a little light to an otherwise dark time.

Artwork and samples included...


Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

MartinBarreBand2019-06-29CorteCavalchinaCustozaItaly (1).jpg
MartinBarreBand2019-06-29CorteCavalchinaCustozaItaly (2).jpg