Martin Simpson and Martin Taylor
Capstone Theatre Liverpool
26th April 2012

SP-CMC-2 >SP-SPSB-11 Battery box> Sony PCM10.micro SD card >BigDee>Mastering>Retracking CD wav Editor>Foobar>Tagging
Again many thanks to BigDee for another great job of mastering one of my recordings.

Note: This was a very quiet concert with the occasional loud tune. It is ideal for chilling to. With 2 Guitarists like this the tuning can be fairly extensive and sometimes it is difficult to know when tuning ends and song/tunes starts so I have made executive decisions . The tuning is a delight in itself, far better than many good guitarists can manage while actually playing. As usual anything over 20 seconds or thereabouts gets a separate tracking. Track 4 which I have labelled Gospel Tunes Medley seems to contain several songs , predominantly revolving around Swanee/Suwannee River, if anyone knows an official title if one exists please let me know. The title of the Twelve Bar at end of Set 2 is also a mystery.

Set 1 [54.11]
1. Intro (0.30)
2. Time After Time (Lauper) (7.35)
3. Chat & Tuning (3.20)
4. Gospel Tunes Medley (5.31)
5. Chat & Tuning (1.29)
6. Ginger (USE about 1.15 in) (6.15)
7. Chat & Tuning (3.46)
8. Little Lisa Jane (4.16)
9. Chat, Tuning & Martin Taylor Leaves Stage (0.50)
10. The Pines (Lead Belly) (6.19)
11. Tuning & Intro (0.52)
12. Bold General Wolfe (Trad) (5.04)
13. Chat, Tuning, Merch Mention & Song Intro (1.47)
14. Palaces Of Gold (Rosselson) (3.40)
15. She Slips Away (2.53)

Set 2 [63.40]
1. I Won't Last a Day Without You (Williams & Nichols)(5.59)
2. They Can't Take That Away From Me (Gershwin) (3.44)
3. Chat (3.11)
4. The Fair Haired Child (USE) (4.24)
5. Don't Know Why (Jesse Harris/Norah Jones)(COULD USE about 4 mins in) (4.43)
6. Welcome Back Martin Simpson & Intro (0.41)
7. Swing Low Sweet Chariot (Trad Spiritual) USE 1 MIN IN (7.07)
8. Chat, Tuning & Intro (1.24)
9. Angels Camp (7.02)
10. Chat, Tuning & Intro (2.57)
11. Brother Can You Spare A Dime (Yip Harburg) (4.35)
12. Chat, Tuning & Intro (3.16)
13. Down at Cocomos (including key change pause) (7.43)
14. Applause (0.44)
15. 12 Bar Blues? (6.07)

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