06/20/09 House of Blues: Las Vegas, NV
source: AKG ck63 > JKL DVC > Edirol R09HR
location: FOB, 1' right of center, mics on 9' stand
lineage: .wav(M) [24bit 44.1kHz] > .wav [16bit 44.1kHz] > .flac
transfer: R09HR > USB > Nuendo > CD Wave > FLAC frontend
encoding: cps 06/22/09
edits: HPF @ 50Hz, +6.6dB, fade in/out, resample 24bit to 16bit
comments: none
1. Smash Lies #
2. Jerusalem
3. Exaltation
4. Indestructible
5. King Without A Crown ##
6 Beat Box
7. Aish Tamid
8. Warrior ###
9. Chop 'Em Down $
10. One Day $$
# with verses from Nosson Zand
## with verses from Heights and Close My Eyes
### with verses from L-rd, Raise Me Up and freestyle
$ with verses from Ancient Lullabye and Dispatch The Troops
$$ with Happy Birthday Aaron Dugan