Matt Maher
April 04, 2014
RMB Fairgrounds, Robstown, TX
St. Anthony Catholic Church Centennial Celebration
Ticket $15 pre-sale, $20 at door. Open seating. Free parking.
Doors open 6:30p, Concert at 7p. Actual start time 7:20pmCT
Venue was 80% full. No opening act. Animated crowd. Chilly night, wet coastal drizzle.
Demographics 50/50 men/women. Quite a bit of Clerics and religious personnel.
Lineage. Zoom H2n>44/16 Wav>Roxio Sound Editor> TLF FLAC 6
H2N Settings: Gain 2.5, Lo/cut-on, Comp/Limiter-off, mics were exposed. 2Ch M/S.
Location: Directly in front of the stage behind the soundboard. Row 5 center section.
Recorded and uploaded by RedZero
A friend of mine is a parishioner at St. Anthony and told me about the concert. I�ve
heard several of Maher�s songs on the radio and Church but never considered going to a
Contemporary Gospel concert so I thought to give it a try. The songs were awesome and
the recording came out good. I sat behind the soundboard. The guy next to me was
clapping and singing but it was not to the point where it affected the recording.
It was a treat to see him during Lent season so I decided to upload this on Easter
day. Happy Easter!
Song #2 phases in and out as I was messing with the volume and moving the recorder
but other than that, all came out ok.
Matt Maher�s guitar & bass player have their own band, Pawn Shop Kings, he allowed
them to play three of their songs; Matt joined them for the last one. Maher also
allowed a missionary from Adore ministries to preach for 5 minutes.
Matt Maher � Voice, Guitar, Piano
Scott Owen � Guitars, Banjo
Joel Owen � Bass
?? � Drummer, Tambourine
01 Intro by the Promoter
02 Blessing by Rev. Anthony Blount
03 All the people said Amen
04 Turn Around
05 Rise Up
06 Banter
07 Burning in my Soul
08 Deliver me (Introduction)
09 Every Little Prison
10 Bless the Lord
11 Banter
12 Pawn Shop Kings (Introduction)
13 PDSK Fall Apart
14 PSK Banter
15 PSK Make me whole
16 PSK Banter
17 PSK Love like Jesus (w/Matt Maher)
18 Banter
19 Flesh and Blood
20 Banter
21 Alive Again
22 Banter
23 Lord, I need You
24 Your Grace is Enough
25 Adore Ministries (Intro)
26 Ennie Hickman (Missionary)
27 Hold us Together
28 New Song (Introduction)
29 Unknown New Song
30 Leaving the Pavilion
*** Support Matt Maher, buy his merchandise and go to his concerts. Buy the CD�s,
don�t pirate or steal. Post recording everywhere but give me credit as the taper.
Ok to convert to MP3 but lossless preferred. Go to Church and read the Bible ***
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
MattMaher2014-04-05RMBFairgroundsRobstownTX (7).JPG
MattMaher2014-04-05RMBFairgroundsRobstownTX (8).JPG
MattMaher2014-04-05RMBFairgroundsRobstownTX (9).JPG