mazzy star
zuerich ( switzerland)
rote fabrik
open air stage Am See
audience-recording by hanwaker
dpa 4061 new cabling by StereoLux / dpa MPS 6010 modified with Black Gates by StereoLux -> XLR-cables by StereoLux (thanks Heiko!) -> Korg MR-1 DSD/DSF-Format 1 bit / 2.8 MHz ( line in )
FOB/5 m in front of right stack
hanwaker mastering
dithered and converted to 16 bit / 44,1 khz with Korg AudioGate
MONO recording ( had to drop one channel due to distortion)
tracked, level fixed ,fade in fade outs
tt 71:13
01 blue flower
02 disappear
03 ghost highway
04 halah
05 ain't nobody to turn me around
06 she hangs brightly
07 look on down from the bridge
08 fade into you
09 lay myself down
10 flyin low
11-encore noise-
12 blue light
13 so tonight i might see
taped , mixed and uploaded to dime by hanwaker 2012-07
Images for this show: