McLaughlin - Cobham - Bruce - Goldberg
Theatre de Verdure
Nice, France
1979 11 01
Same as originally contributed to DIME in 2012
by roryglzep
as Torrent #392508 - John McLaughlin, Jack Bruce, Billy Cobham, & Stu Goldberg - November 1, 1979 (AUD - 126 Minutes Long) Nizza, France
but here:
- speed corrected (between -50cts and -125 cts)
- phase offset adjusted
- digital glitches removed
- duplicate portions (overlap) edited out
- retracked along individual track titles
for this new DIME upload.
This version: 130.37 min, AUD, B/B-
Orig.Lineage info from roryglzep upload:
Taper & Taping Gear: ??Unknown??
Trade: can't remember, but in the late 1990's (whoever - THX!!!)
Minor Editing: JAJ (roryglzep), splitting tracks, removing blank spaces, joining parts, etc.
Lineage: "AUD" 1999'ish Trade CDR> 2012 DAE (wav) EAC (secure mode)> CD Wave & Wave Joiner> (flac) Trader's Little Helper level 6 (align on sector boundaries)
Additional lineage:
flac > wav > Soundforge 10: merge tracks, speed correction, phase offset adjustments,
editing out digi glitches and overlap portions, re-tracking > flac TLH lvl8 w/SBA (569 MB)
The band:
John McLaughlin - guitar
Jack Bruce - bass, vocals
Billy Cobham - drums
Stu Goldberg - keyboards
01 Desire & The Comforter [17:56]
02 Electric Dreams, Electric Sighs [28:07]
03 Miles Davis (incl. Bass solo, Spoonful) [14:54]
04 Solo guitar Improvisation [6:06]
05 The Dark Prince > Improv Jam (percussion & scat vocals) [11:04] ��� cuts off
06 Drum solo [8:24] ��� cuts in
07 Resolution [4:59]
08 Piano Solo [6:09]
09 The Core Of The Apple [7:10]
10 Tightrope [13:14]
11 A Love Supreme [12:34]
Total time 130:37 min
Suggested disc split for CDR burners: between Tracks 03 and 04
Thanks to the unknown taper and to the unknown original trader of this tape copy.
Thanks to roryglzep/Jeff James for originally contributing this recording to DIME.
Enjoy !
Seeded to DIME in December 2014 by flambay.