Medeski, Martin & Wood
The Woman's Club Theatre, Minneapolis, MN
Source: Nak CP701 > Nak CM700 > D7 > DAP1 >
ZA2 > SoundForge 4.0 > CDWAVE > SHN > retracking
in CDWav > re-SHN
Retracking by G.S. Hamilton
Thanks to Matt Wiater for this copy!
Notes on re-tracking follow the tracklist.
Disc 1
Set 1
1. Illinization > 04:41
2. Improv > Piano Solo [@5:48] > Rise Up [@8:27] > 24:46
3. Where's Sly 07:00
4. Afrique 10:49
5. Open Improv > 05:02
6. Seven Deadlies* 13:29
Total time: 65:51
Disc 2
Set 2
1. Friday Afternoon In The Universe 09:37
2. Acht O'Clock Rock 08:31
3. Your Lady > 07:39
4. Thaw > 10:56
5. Buster Rides Again > Open Improv [@7:20] > 10:25
6. Note Bleu# 04:50
Total time: 52:01
Disc 3
Set 2, cont.
1. Tsukemono > 05:00
2. Bass Solo > Shacklyn Knights 17:39
3. Hey Joe 06:00
Total time: 28:40
* w/ My Little Suede Shoes ending
# begins at end of previous track
GSH notes on re-tracking:
The show as I got it was spuriously tracked
in several regards: Rise Up was split into
several tracks, Where's Sly and Afrique were
both split into two tracks, Your Lady through
Note Bleu was all one track, and Tsukemono >
Shacklyn Knights was one track. In addition,
there was ca. 1:30 of crowd noise at the
beginning of D2t01, then silence (blank)
until 1:45. Working with the .wavs from the
.shns in CDWav, I retracked the show as given
above, including editing out the first 1:45
at the beginning of disc 2, and created new
.shns and .md5s. For reference, the tracking
for the original version I received is below.
Pre-retracking tracklist:
Disc 1
1. Illinization 4:41
2. Jam > Rise Up > 10:35
3. Bass Solo > 2:59
4. Rise Up > 2:03
5. Drums > 3:45
6. Rise Up 5:22
7. Where's Sly 2:16
8. Where's Sly 4:43
9. Afrique 2:31
10. Afrique 8:17
11. Jam 5:02
12. Seven Deadlies 13:29
Total time: 65:51
Disc 2
1. Friday Afternoon In 11:20
The Universe
2. Acht O' Clock Rock 8:31
3. Your Lady > Thaw, Buster
Rides Again > Note Bleu 33:51
Total time: 53:43
Disc 3
1. Tsukemono > 22:39
Shacklyn Knights
2. Hey Joe 6:00
Total time: 28:40