Medeski Martin & Wood
Cape Cod Melody Music Tent, Hyannis, Cape Cod, MA
June 22/2001 (Friday)
[This fileset is a FLAC encoded and ID3 tagged version of]
Source: Earthworks SR-71 -> Sound Devices MP2 -> Sony D8 @48khz; (all audio magic cables)
FOB DFC Section 1, Row 11, Seat E, stand at 10'
Transfer: D8 -> Oade 7-pin -> DiO 2448 -> Sek'd Samplitude -> CD Wave Editor -> .shn v3
Recorded by James Tierney (
Transferred and encoded by Bill Burge (
Editing by B3gROovE: deleted 76 secs. of audience noise (different source than rest of show)
and fixed sector boundary problem on d1t01.
Don't know how, but levels are clipped on "one side" of left channel...
- Set I -
01. [00:39] - 'Crowd'
02. [07:43] - Philly Cheese Blunt >
03. [03:41] - Philly Cheese Blunt cont'd > Bass'n'Tam [@2:02] >
04. [10:35] - Shacklyn Knights > Open Intro [@8:05] >
05. [07:17] - The Dropper >
06. [06:45] - Just Like I Pictured It
07. [03:44] - Brigas Nuncas Mais* >
08. [05:07] - Buster Rides Again [@0:45] >
09. [07:02] - Drum Solo
- Set II -
01. [01:35] - 'Crowd'
02. [08:17] - Big Time >
03. [05:08] - Hey-Hee-Hi-Ho
04. [07:22] - Bone Digger
05. [10:12] - Organ Intro > Note Bleu#
06. [10:26] - Toy Dancing#
07. [11:28] - Crosstown Traffic#
- Encore -
08. [09:26] - Swamp Road+
* spills onto succeeding track
# with John Dirac (Either Orchestra) on guitar [was noted on Swamp Road but I don't hear him - dug]
+ w/ acoustic outro
Levels raised slightly (during recording) for acoustic outro of "Swamp Road."
There were several loud pops of the mics overloading in the left track. Therefore I cloned over the right channel in those spots. (The pops were due to a fault inside the XLR cable.)
Track Time Duration
d1t04 06:09 3 sec
d1t04 06:38 1 sec
d2t01 01:25 3 sec
d2t02 00:36 3 sec
d2t02 00:46 1 sec
d2t02 01:19 50 sec
d2t02 02:43 2 sec
d2t06 06:07 .001 sec
d2t07 04:30 3 sec
d2t07 04:59 1 sec
Compiled 2001-07-17 by Bill Burge
Traders Little Helper used for FLAC encoding & creating checksums:
- SHN ST5 generated
- SHN > FLAC Level 8
- FLAC ST5 generated and matched to SHN ST5
MP3Tag (current version) used for all ID3 tagging:
- The metadata ID3 tags can be read by any player that plays FLAC files.
- ID3 tags will be stripped if converted to WAV, however audio data will be unaffected
Use FLAC ST5 to validate audio integrity.
(Alternatively, the FLAC FFP shows the same checksum values.)
FLAC MD5 values will change if ID3 tags are altered.
SHN MD5 & ST5 included for reference
T-FLAC16TAG.HTML uses FOLDER.JPG to display album art
T-FLAC16TAG.TXT provides a track-by-track breakdown of the fileset's ID3 tags
- by dug [crookedbirds AT gmail DOT com] 2014-02-05
shn-st5 will verify pre-tagged files
shn-md5 will verify pre-tagged files
t-flac-md5 will verify post-tagged files
t-flac-st5 will verify post-tagged files
t-flac-ffp will verify post-tagged files
The st5s contain the same checksum values for both SHN & FLAC
(the only difference being the file extension of .shn or .flac)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: