Medeski Martin and Wood
October 31, 2006
Hammerstein Ballroom
[This fileset is an ID3 tagged version of]
Source: AKG 393 > Samson Mixing Board > M1
Location: exactly dead ctr, front row, first mezzanine
Transfer: R500 > Audiophile 2496 > Soundforge 8 > CDWave > Flac level 8
Taped by: Rick Duro
Transferred by: Mike Vescovo ( on 11/15/06
- One Set -
Disc One:
01. [09:01] - Open Improv# > Improv# [@2:16] > Open Improv# [@6:49] >
02. [09:50] - Improv# > Improv# [@4:32] >
03. [13:11] - What'd I Say
04. [07:17] - Where's The Music >
05. [13:12] - Organ Intro > Shacklyn Knights
Disc Two:
01. [11:19] - Pappy Check >
02. [12:47] - Retirement Song >
03. [12:13] - Think >
04. [03:24] - Percussion Improv >
05. [09:37] - Miles Behind > Open Improv [@5:22] >
06. [08:10] - Is There Anybody Here That Love My Jesus
07. [07:30] - Yegelle Tezeta
08. [08:46] - New Planet
Disc Three:
01. [10:07] - Open Improv > You Haven't Done Nothin'* [@5:22] >
02. [08:59] - Sunshine of Your Love*
03. [06:18] - Cat Creeps >
04. [14:00] - New New Orleans
entire show w/ Dave Tronzo (guitar) & Airto Moreira (percussion)
# w/ Flora Purim (vocals)
* w/ Sharon Jones (vocals)
Traders Little Helper used for creating checksums:
- FLAC ST5 generated for original FLACs
- FLAC ID3 tagged files matched to original FLAC ST5
- FLAC MD5 generated for ID3 tagged files (t-flac.md5)
MP3Tag (current version) used for all ID3 tagging:
- The metadata ID3 tags can be read by any player that plays FLAC files.
- ID3 tags will be stripped if converted to WAV, however audio data will be unaffected
Use FLAC ST5 to validate audio integrity.
(Alternatively, the FLAC FFP contains the same checksum values.)
t-FLAC MD5 values will change if ID3 tags are altered.
Original FLAC ST5 included for reference
T-FLAC16TAG.HTML uses FOLDER.JPG to display album art
T-FLAC16TAG.TXT provides a track-by-track breakdown of the fileset's ID3 tags
- by dug [crookedbirds AT gmail DOT com] 2012-11-05
flac-ffp will verify pre- and post-tagged files
flac-st5 will verify pre- and post-tagged files
t-flac-md5 will verify post-tagged files
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: