Melvin Seals and JGB
Dec 28, 2012
Quixote's True Blue
Denver CO
Total Time = 147:25
4 Source Matrix:
SBD | DPA 4022| DPA 4027 | DPA 4060
Source 1: DPA 4022 (XY) -> Grace V3
-> Tascam DR680
Source 2: DPA 4027 (ORFT) Naiant Big
Box -> Tascam DR680
Source 3: DPA 4060 (AB - 3 foot omni
spread) -> Tascam DR680
Source 4: SBD feed -> XLR cable ->
Tascam DR680
Location: In rail area to right
of SBD. DFC. Mics on stand at 7 feet.
Transfer: Tascam DR680 (24/96) wav ->
USB cable -> PC
Editing: Wavelab plugins -> Flac(16)
MD5's and SBE checked and verified.
Recorded by Patrick H.
Disc 1 Set 1 (71:01)
01 Struggling Man 12:45
02 Crazy Love 7:57
03 Cats down Under the Stars 9:19
04 Stir it Up 11:33
05 Get out of My life Women 14:58
06 Simple twist of Fate 14:29
Disc 2 Set 1+2 Cont (76:16)
01 After Midnight -> 4:56
02 Elanor Rigby -> 6:48
03 After Midnight 3:54
Set 2
04 Tore Up 9:34
05 Neighbor Neighbor 5:12
06 Ain't no Bread 10:07
in the breadbox
07 Sugaree 12:57
08 That's All right mama 6:28
09 Brother and Sisters 7:59
10 Deal 8:21
Notes: This is the first show for the
4 day NYE Run at Q's. First set was
very long and needed to be split into
D2. Both sets were strong and well
attended. Boris Garcia opened though
not recorded.
Recorded 6 audience channels with a SBD
feed and created a 8 channel matrix. Mics
were on stage to right of SBD in rail
area on stand at ~7 feet. The sound at the
venue was very good to excellent. Sounding
of the recording is very good to excellent.
Crowd noise is very minimal.
Performance: A+
Sound Quality: A
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