Merl Saunders & The Rainforest Band
Loco Ranchero
San Luis Obispo, CA
Soundcraftsman Soundboard; Sony TC-D5M Master* (Maxell MX-S 90s) >CDR >FLAC
Master Cassette Transferred: Sony TC-D5M** >HHb CDR 800 PRO
CD Masters >Audacity (Minor Edits) >FLAC (Level 8) + Tags Via xACT 2.37
Recorded, Transferred, FLAC’d, & Tagged By OldNeumanntapr
*1st Out Of Board, No NR, **Original Record Deck
Set I
Disc I:
01. Sister Sadie
02. Lovely Night For Dancing
03. Lay Back Baby
04. Money Honey
05. Paris Blues
06. Confusion
07. Blues From The Rainforest
Disc II:
01. Fire On The Mountain
Set II
02. Built For Comfort
03. Sugaree
04. Lonely Avenue
05. The System
OldNeumanntapr Notes-
This was the third Merl Saunders show I recorded at Loco Ranchero, In San Luis Obispo, CA, and it was the first (and last) time that I used my D5 there. I bought the D5 from my friend Jack in Salt Lake City the preceding Fall, when he upgraded to a used Sony TCD-D3 DAT portable. I was first out of the board that night with my D5. Michael Brand, another D5 taper, patched out of me that night. Michael, from New York City, was following Merl and recording the shows. Michael had the Best Indica I have ever had, and was kind enough to share. :) I asked him after the show where he was staying and he said in his car, so I suggested that he come to my place and crash on my couch. We stayed up late that night and he copied some of my tapes with his D5. I remember that he said he had a brother named Russell, and I guess they were both tapers. Michael was at the following night’s Merl show at the Brew House in Santa Barbara. He had his D5 plugged into the soundboard, and he said they were only allowing one deck off the board that night. Fortunately for me, because I had met Michael the previous night at Loco and put him up for the night, he gave me a patch on the sly. I only ended up missing one to one and a half songs. This was the second to the last time that I had been to Loco Ranchero, which is now the home of KSBY TV Channel 6, the NBC affiliate.
The last time I was there was for a David Lindley concert in October of ’93. I got thrown out for taping, or at least trying to. I had my friend Gene’s TCD-D10 DAT on loan, and the internal NP-22H NiCad battery would no longer hold a charge. I still didn’t have a DAT portable of my own and wanted to record the show digitally. So…, I brought the deck and my Nakamichi CM-300s into the show in a back pack, (they never even checked at the door), and sat through the early show up front next to the stage with my friends Dave and Brian. During the show break, I hid in the men’s room until the club was cleared and they brought in the crowd for the late show. Since Dave and Brian had tickets for both shows they didn’t have to move. I wandered back when the club started to fill up, and found a spot near the side walls. All the interior walls and ceiling too were painted black. They had a few of those plasma orbs on pedestals, and there was a convenient AC outlet on the wall, so I plugged the AC cord for the D10 into the wall. I guess I was a little noticeable, and they discovered me, so I was shown the door. It was no great loss because I hadn’t paid for the late show.
DO NOT Convert To MP3!
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