The Meter Men w/Page McConnell
Howard Theatre
Washington, DC

CA14 cardioids > Sony PCM M10 @ 24/44.1 (PIP)
HD > Audacity (normalization, fades, dither) > CDWAV (tracking) > FLAC > mp3Tag

set 1: from balcony ROC in line with right stack
set 2: FOB DFC 30' out

16/44.1 fileset finished on 2012-11-04

Set 1:

01. Leo noodling
02. Funky Miracle
03. Look-Ka Py Py
04. Just Kissed My Baby >
05. Cissy Strut > Cardova
06. You've Got To Change (You've Got To Reform)
07. banter
08. Ease Back >
09. Africa > Intros > Porter > Africa

Set 2:

01. Leo noodling
02. Fire On The Bayou >
03. Funkify Your Life
04. He Bite Me
05. Hey Pocky Way
06. Hand Clapping Song >
07. Doodle Loop (The World Is A Little Bit Under The Weather)
08. Aint No Use
09. pre-encore
10. People Say

George Porter, Jr. - bass, vocals
Leo Nocentelli - guitar, vocals
Zigaboo Modeliste - drums, vocals
Page McConnell - kbds, vocals

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