The Meters Experience
featuring Leo Nocentelli
05/01/2010 - Saturday 4:00 PM
Davidson Park, Lexington, VA
"May Day, 1-6 PM, part of Washington & Lee Alumni Weekend"
Gary Ruley & Mule Train and Railroad Earth also played
2-Instrumental >
3-Fire On The Bayou
4-Cissy Strut
5-Africa/New Orleans
6-People Say
Source: Akg460/ck61(11' spread, 90*) > Kind Kable Chameleon XLRs > Busman WCM Marantz 670 > WAV(16bit/48khz) > Audacity1.3.11b(peaks reduced, amplified to -.01db) > CD Wave Editor(tracked) > FLAC8(TLH)
Location: Directly FOB, just ROC(Right side of board tent), ~7' high
Notes: Thanks to Leo and the band, W&L for scheduling the free show, and Crossthreaded for the rig loan.