Michael Chapman
1994-08-23 London, England The Weavers (M-AUD)

Set One :::
01. Wrecked Again
02. The Mallard
03. Times Gettin' Tougher Than Tough
04. Fool In The Night
05. The Northern Lights
06. ? (instrumental)
07. Geordie's Down The Road

Set Two :::
08. Bon Ton Roolay
09. No Thanks To Me
10. Kodak Ghosts
11. Little Molly's Dream
12. Falling From Grace
13. Hi-Heel Sneakers

First Encore :::
14. Falling Apart

Second Encore:::
15. All Day All Night

Total Time ::: 1:28:11

::: Generally EXC AUD. Check samples for elucidation & confirmation or appetizer bytes.
::: Warts: Not many! Bit of bar noise. #7 starts a bit late.
::: Feel free to weigh in with the missing instrumental title (#6).
Recording Information ::: Sony D-6 portable tape recorder, Sony(?) single point stereo microphone -> master Maxell XLII-S 90 stereo cassette, Dolby off.

Playback 2011-12-09 ::: master Maxell XLII-S 90 stereo cassette on Nakamichi BX-300 cassette deck, Dolby off, azimuth & pitch adjusted, heads cleaned & demagnatized -> Tascam CD-RW900SL pro CD recorder -> CD-RW -> computer, EAC secure -> wavs.

Remastering ::: 2014-08-xx wavs -> Audacity [channel/phase alignment, fades, manual one-at-a-time glitch, bump, pop, click, dropout & dullspot repairs, volume adjustments, single averaged -0.3% speed fix after spectral analysis & with pitchpipe verification, NO equalisation] -> CD Wave (track splits) -> flacs (Trader's Little Helper) -> yr ears. First uploaded week of 2014-08-23.

Line-up ::: Michael Chapman - acoustic guitar, vocals.

Nothing here ever commercially released to my knowledge. If I'm wrong, please advise & I'll take the offending trax offline.

DimeTravel 054 ::: Thanks to the original taper, meself. And, thanks to The Man In The Palace for the loan of the taping gear & the chuckling in the background (inbetween songs!). ::: Corrections welcome ::: Another fine night on the town in London. As usual, only hampered by the f'd up hours the Underground keeps. But... much easier with The Man In The Palace accompaniment, as he knows all the bus runs. Chapman was a delight as usual. Good wit about him, playing well, though a bit laid back. Recording came out pretty good considering it's always a side thing for me - listening is #1 & if I run the tapes the deck's not there to distract me. Listen, enjoy, show appreciation, share, give, spread peace. Yers truly, Knees

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