Mick Taylor/Erwin Nyhoff Acoustic-session November 24 2001 Dutch radio

Hilversum, Holland, Radio 192-studio.

gift>cdr>EAC>TLH LEVEL 6>you

If your not a huge Mick Taylor fan you'll probably want to
pass this one up. The sound is very good. Mostly tunings some dead
air and some nice samples/riffs. Maybe 3 or 4 complete or near
complete tracks.

01.Time Waits For No One 0.49
02.Tunings/Sister Morphine 1.37
03.Dead Flowers 2.23
04.stuff 0.21
05.tunings 2.10
06.tunings 1.09
07.Love in Vain tease/I Got The Blues 2.41
08.tunings 0.54
09.tunings 1.10
10.tunings 0.36
11.No Expectations 3.58
12.tunings 0.58
13.Dead Flowers 4.45
14.Dead Flowers 3.50
15.Dead Flowers 3.42
16.Dead Flowers 0.41
17.discussion/Dead Flowers 1.10
18.Time Waits For No One 5.51
19.- 20. Time Waits For No One 7.15

Interview with MT by Peter Schavemaker (copyright by P. Shavemaker!) REMOVED

Mick Taylor (gtr, voc)
Erwin Nyhoff (voc, gtr)

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