Micky Dolenz & The Cowsills Q&A Session
Arcada Theater
St. Charles, IL
May 2, 2014
Recorded by Roy Martin from the balcony, front row center with
left & right microphones separated about 6' apart, pointed at
Captured using a set of Sound Professionals SP-CMC-8 mics >
Sound Professionals SP-SPSB-11 power supply w/ bass roll off
switched off > Zoom H2n (WAV @ 24-bit/96kHz)
Downsampled to 16/44.1 using Cool Edit Pro 2.0
No EQ-ing so salt & pepper to taste.
Large WAV split up using CD Wave Editor.
SBEs fixed and encoding to FLAC Level 8 using Trader's Little Helper.
[01] Ron Onesti intros The Cowsills
[02] The Cowsills
[03] The Cowsills
[04] Micky joins the stage
[05] Davy Jones
[06] who made decisions on Monkees sessions
[07] upcoming Monkees tour
[08] the songwriters, the Wrecking Crew
[09] audience member thanks Micky
[10] performing with elephants
[11] the film, Head
[12] thanks, best thing in life
[13] the song, Hair
[14] 1960s craziness
This was a loose, enjoyable Q&A session with Micky Dolenz and the
Cowsill family just after their musical performance at the Arcada
Theater in St. Charles, Illinois on May 2, 2014. The first voice
you'll hear is Ron Onesti, the owner of the theater and the show
promoter. He's an enthusiastic gentleman who does a great job booking
a lot of classic music acts to his ninety-some year old theater.
The Cowsills have a very interesting story, and the three members of
the family begin the conversation. Micky joins the stage at track 4.
Ron (via his Facebook page) had requested his friends to submit
questions to ask. I suggested a couple (the Monterey Pop Fest in 1967)
via Facebook and Ron actually used it, which got a funny response from Micky.
I did a sloppy job putting in the track marks in but spoken-word
performances like this are often difficult to split up. Some of the
questions were dull and it's all Rated G material. I wanted Micky to
give us something juicy, as (I'm certain) he'd been to some of the
coolest parties back in the day, and seen his share of wild times.
I finally got fed up and bandoned my front-row spot in the balcony,
left the recording gear running, and went to the floor of the theater,
got in line, and I'm the last nerd from the audience that was allowed
to ask a question into the mic provided (track 14).
I was hoping Micky would've indulged me and told me about
some wild night with Keith Moon or Harry Nillson... but no. He didn't offer
anything juicy and was polite but, still matter-of-fact in his answer.
He across as polite and intelligent, which is pretty good considering
his life experiences.
After the show, I got a great autograph on a LP of "Headquarters" and
the original 1967 "(I'm Not Your) Stepping Stone" 45rpm picture sleeve.
If you are reading this, then you're probably interested in this type of
60s pop music. Please don't forget to support these artists. No one's getting
any younger and we need to enjoy this music while they're still here.
I don't need to provide website addresses. Be a good fan: Google 'em,
look for 'em on Facebook. YouTube, eBay, buy their music & go see their shows.
The speakers:
Ron Onesti (emcee, promoter, owner of theater)
Micky Dolenz
Susan Cowsill
Bob Cowsill
Paul Cowsill
various audience members inc. the taper
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
MickyDolenzAndTheCowsills2014-05-02QandASessionArcadaTheaterStCharlesIL (19).JPG
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