Tombstone Blue Band ~ Live
Friday, January 22, 1982
Fairbanks School Gymnasium, a.k.a. "The Spot"
Sudbury, Massachusetts, USA
Tapers: Mark H. & SolitaryPine, Lights and Sound crew 'roadies' for the band
Mastering: SolitaryPine [SP001]
Location: Dolby C Cassette Tape Deck (unknown type, 1x speed) with microphones on either side/in front of stage
Source: Original master Memorex HBII Cassette Tape ~> Sony TC-WR590 Casette Deck [Component Line Out] Dolby C ~>
Dell XPS 410 Vista ~> SigmaTel High Definition Audio 96K ~> Cool Edit Pro 2.1 [Line In ~ PCM 32bit/96kHz] ~>
WAV File
Conversion: Master WAVs ~> PC ~> Editing/Tracking ~> Dither to 16bit ~> FLAC Level 5
Editing: Cool Edit Pro 2.1 [fades, normalization (96%)]
Checksums: TLH ~ FLAC checksums in MD5
.....Kerry O'Keefe ~ Vocals, Bass, Harmonica
.....Mike Gordon ~ Bass, Keyboards, Vocals
.....Dan McBride ~ Lead and Rhythm Guitar, Vocals
.....Bruce Diehl ~ Drums, Percussion
All band members originally from Sudbury, Mass.
Songs marked with * are original songs written by the band.
01 - Intro
02 - Bony Moroney
03 - Got My Mojo Working
04 - Hell or Canada*
05 - Johnny B. Goode
06 - Damn Fool Father*
07 - Get Back
08 - Honky Tonk Woman
09 - March to the Beat of the Drum* (with Drum Solo)
10 - Uptown Mama*
11 - Good Lovin'
12 - Louie Louie
13 - Riders on the Storm
14 - Won't Get Fooled Again
15 - It's All Over Now
16 - Jumpin' Jack Flash
The Tombstone Blues Band was a short lived high school band
formed in 1982 in Sudbury, Massachusetts, USA.
The primary basist for the group, Mike Gordon, went on to be
the basist for Phish. In this live performance, he sings Good
Lovin' and Riders on the Storm.
He also has a pretty cool base
line that follows the drum solo.
Songs requiring the keyboard calls Mike to action as well (like
Won't Get Fooled Again), while Kerry plays bass.
In going through some old tapes in my basement, I found this
first generation tape and decided to give it a listen. Sure
enough, it turned out to be what it was labled as, The TB Band,
so I figured it would be worth digitizing it and sharing it.
As far as I know, this is the only instance recording of this show.
The tape's age is showing itself significantly in this recording.
There are alot of drop outs in both channels from time to time.
I did nothing to specifically fix any of the tape deficiencies
in this recording - I left them all as is.
Also, because of not having a sound board for this show (where all
instruments a mic'd and piped back to board for mixing) the
phenomenon of "whomever is loudest wins" exists. So, the drums and
bass are light in the mix many times whereas the guitars, keyboards,
and vocals are more up front. This is the nature of the beast
when your recording microphones are voice mics (dont remember the
brand but they were typically something like Shure stage voice mics).
TRADE FREELY but please, do not trade in MP3 or other lossy format.
This is not intended for RESALE!
I would kindly like to ask that nobody re-seed this release on
any other tracker or source without at least notifying me in advance.
The same goes for any remastering or artwork projects.
Upped by SolitaryPine - October 2007
FLAC Checksums
a74464ec207e90e127a124920982f776 *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T01_Intro.flac
a0032c75e0dc3fd4463f01801f872320 *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T02_BonyMoroney.flac
a274a6e73aa965b8053c874c9f2df4f7 *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T03_GotMyMojoWorking.flac
a517d367e929f2260d18eefacfd19bb2 *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T04_HellOrCanada.flac
f96a6ed93425b61282feda1556c08827 *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T05_JohnnyBGoode.flac
98d25a177a470abde29f1f2b56d3de4f *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T06_DamnFoolFather.flac
ce12d09490df65c806dbd24d57c39254 *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T07_GetBack.flac
07b13440283ba427e14fe935f1589e03 *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T08_HonkyTonkWoman.flac
6028dd4149a7616d8669f19a2e373ade *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T09_MarchToTheBeatOfTheDrum.flac
407b66952fcf437ffb355cffc9669afc *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T10_UptownMama.flac
a7abf794217343cedaaf3a4a6ce05328 *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T11_GoodLovin.flac
86c3c0334c7205981abfd9a04ed0c269 *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T12_LouieLouie.flac
9ace4952f59cdff60a1ed6297ffb0f83 *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T13_RidersOnTheStorm.flac
3f2927356dbd49c0fae1e928bbc2f87c *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T14_Won'tGetFooledAgain.flac
9a77d922203cef50f0e3ff5db0e3e4b7 *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T15_ItsAllOverNow.flac
7e939a79578b89cdb779404f728e987d *Tombstone Blues - Live\TB_Live_D2T16_JumpinJackFlash.flac