Mike Mizwinski
The Berlin Wall
Berlin, Germany
Schoeps MK21's (directly in fron of Mike)>Schoeps KCY 250/05I>Schoeps VST62iu>Sony PCM-M10
Sony-PCM-M10>Sound Forge Pro 10>CDWAV>FLAC
Performed on the West Berlin Side of the remnants of the Berlin Wall. Each song performed in front of a different inspirational mural on the wall.
Very cold, windy and rainy, you'll hear some wind noise, some traffic noise and the guitar slightly out of tune by the end. Performed and recorded for kicks and for the enjoyment of all who love Mike's music and couldn't make the trip over.
Recorded By Keith Litzenberger (recording@wklitz.com) (Show #6 of 2012)
01 Time For Time
02 The Thin Ice
03 I Shall Be Released
04 Hallelujah