Mike Stern Band w/ Randy Brecker, Chris Minh Doky & Dave Weckl (USA)
city: Vienna (AUSTRIA)
venue: www.porgy.at
date: November 7th 2008
Mike Stern: guitar
Randy Brecker: trumpet
Dave Weckl: drums
Chris Minh Doky: bass
source: DPA 4061 plugged directly into rockboxed iriver iHP-120 with 8GB CD-card-mod
lineage: USB 2.0 =>Macbook=>Audacity 1.2.6 fades=>CD WAVE EDITOR 1.94 for tracksplits=>Traders Little Helper for FLAC encoding level 8=>DIME
Awesome show by awesome musicians!!!
My 12V battery box messed up BEFORE the show when only 1 channel got recorded.
I decided to plug my DPA 4061 directly into my iriverīs input which provides 3,29V only, BUT no difference in SPL-handling as you can hear on the record :) .
I donīt know ANY of the songs played!
Please help with tracklist.