Mile Twelve
Godfrey Daniels, Bethlehem, PA
Feb 22, 2018
Source: Studio Projects C4s (hypercards, DIN) > Tascam DR-40 (low cut filter @ 40 Hz) > wav (16/44.1)
Transfer: wav (16/44.1) > Audacity 2.2.1 (vol, trim, fades) > CD Wave Editor 1.98 (track splits, export to FLAC) > FLAC
Location: approx 12 ft from stage, 6.5 ft high, 5 ft left of center
by tom
01 intro
02 Gonna Paint The Town
03 The Margaret Keene
04 Here's A Quarter (Call Someone Who Cares)
05 talk
06 Call My Soul
07 Dorrigo
08 When God Dips His Love In My Heart
09 Rocket Man
10 Soldiers & Sailors
11 Midnight Feast
12 Deep River Blues
13 Jericho
14 Back Up & Push [banjo / fiddle duo]
15 Ramblin' Man
16 talk
17 Onwards
18 Ace Of Hearts
19 crowd / talk
Encore &
20 99 Years & One Dark Day
Evan Murphy: guitar, vocal
David Benedict: mandolin, vocal
Nate Sabat: bass, vocal
Bronwyn Keith-Hynes: fiddle, vocal
BB Bowness: banjo, vocal
& For the encore, the band was joined by Serene Green
Michael Johnson: vocal, guitar
Que Fisher: mandolin, vocal
Shane McGeehan: guitar, vocal
Steve Leonard: banjo
Ramona: MC
Nick: sound
Serene Green opened the evening.
Tech note: the band sang into a single microphone.
You can hear a slight hum when the circulating fan is running during the set.
Thanks to the band & the friendly people at the Godfreys for allowing me to record!
While a recording is very nice, it is never as good as being there!
Support the artist @ &
& the venue (not for profit, volunteer run, membership supported) @
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Images for this show:
MileTwelve2018-02-22GodfreyDanielsBethlehemPA (9).jpg