Miles Davis
Festival Internazionale Jazz in Sardegna
Fiera Campionaria, Piazza Amedeo Nazzari, Parco della Musica
Cagliari, Italy
Lineage: Mcas > ? > vhs > cdr > Revision A > flac(lvl8) > Revision B > flac(lvl8)
Runtime: 93:46 (after pitch correction)
Contrast Clause:
This revision (RevB) is based on Revision A, a version I previously shared via DIME in 2009. I have done additional restoration and enlisted the best pitcher in the game. -plaz
"...these RevB files... sound so much better than the RevA version, a true upgrade... Great listening fun. Really love this show�s 15-minute monster version of Splatch. Robben Ford�s really on fire in this show." -flambay
Miles Davis (tpt, org); Bob Berg (ss, ts); Robben Ford (g); Robert Irving III, Adam Holzman (synth); Felton Crews (el-b); Vincent Wilburn, Jr. (dr); Steve Thornton (perc)
01 One Phone Call / Street Scenes [1:38]
02 Speak / That's What Happened [12:04]
03 New Blues (Star People) [5:45]
04 Maze [10:06]
05 Human Nature [9:56]
06 Portia [7:35] {nc, tf @ 7:16}
07 Splatch [15:27]
08 Time After Time [8:41]
09 Carnival Time [4:28]
10 Tutu [5:53]
11 Burn [7:01]
12 Tomaas [5:06] {nc, end cut}
Editing History
Revision A:
- SBE corrected, retracked and gain normalized
- repaired clicks, pops, drop-outs and mic impact noises
Revision B:
- corrected lineage and set list
- reduced gain by 11.8 dB (1/3 of the signal was above 0 dB without being clipped)
- restored clipped peaks
- balanced channels
- attenuated noise band: -10 db from 15,845 - 16,145 Hz
- phase corrections: Side A +0.22 ms; Side B +0.30 ms
- swapped channels
- Sound Forge Pro 10 pitch corrections by flambay:
.Side A (tracks 01-06): �80cts ... �60cts pitch bend (see file "Side A pitch bend -80...-60ctsv2.png")
.fine tuned minor speed warble in Human Nature (during guitar solo)
.Side B: �60cts pitch shift
- eliminated a small DC offset in Side B
- gain normalized each of the 2 tape sides
- shortened fade out/in between sides A and B
- repaired a few remaining clicks and drop-outs between 1:35 and 1:40
- decreased gain of opening 1:40 by 3.5 dB
- re-split and named tracks
- compacted, flac'ed and created check sums
Brought to you by plaz and flambay -- January 2x, 2014. Enjoy.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: