Miles Davis
Main Gym
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA
10th Row Center:
Aiwa CM-30 Stereo Cardioid >Sony WM-D6C,
XLII Master Transferred: Toshiba PC-X10 >Sony TC-153SD (Shortly After Show)
XLII Cass I Transferred: Sony TC-D5M >Tascam DR-100mkII (24/48),
WAV >iZotope RX3 Advanced v3.00.695 (declick) > Sound Forge Pro 10.0a (minor edits & normalize) >
WAV >Audacity (Amplify, Track Splits, Down Sample / Dither To 16 Bit/44.1) >FLAC (Level 8) Via xACT 2.35
Recorded, Transferred, Audacity, & FLAC’d By OldNeumanntapr
iZotope RX3 Advanced v3.00.695 (declick) > Sound Forge Pro 10.0a (minor edits & normalize) By Dennis Orr
Miles Davis - Trumpet, Synthesizer
Kenny Garrett - Alto Saxophone, Flute, Musical Director
Joe Foley McCreary - Electric Piccollo Bass, Vocals
Richard Patterson - Electric Bass, Vocals
Kei Akagi - Synthesizer
Erin Davis - Percussion
Ricky Wellman - Drums
ONT Notes-
This was my very first ‘stealth’ recording, and also the one and only time that I was able to see Miles Davis. My friend Mark is a big Miles fan, and he offered to buy me a ticket if I would record the show. Hey, works for me. :)
I remember that we rode to the show with his friend Jay, ‘Lucky’, from Lake Tahoe, and our friend Tim, who was another big music fan, as well as Carol Jo, the ‘Wood Nymph’ from KOTR FM in Cambria. We were 10th row center at the Main Gym at Cal Poly. The sound was pretty good, though Carol Jo talked a bunch to Mark starting midway through the show. At the time, I thought it would rude to tell Mark to have her shut the hell up, because I was getting the ticket for free, and because, not ever having done a stealth show before, I had no idea how much ambient noise the microphone would pick up. At that time I was used to only recording Grateful Dead concerts from the tapers section, with microphones on a stand above head level. I was holding the Aiwa CM-30 right in front of my face for this show, and there were a lot of quiet parts. Listening to the show now, I am remembering that the tape ran out and I missed the last part. (I only brought in one 90 minute cassette. The tape ends with the beginning of another song, but I left that as part of the previous song in the indexes.) The deal I made with Mark was that I would record the show and give him the master, but I copied it for myself after the show that night. The recording would have been much better, had it not been for Carol Jo’s talking, but it is what it is. This recording has really never been circulated, outside of a few friends here on the CA central coast. I’ve had the handbill for this show for years. It was hanging in the window of the liquor store where I worked in Cayucos, CA. I recorded Santana the next week at the same venue, the night of the Cal Poly/SLO Student Riots.
Do Convert To MP3.
Enjoy! Share freely, don’t sell, play nice, don’t run with scissors, etc. ;)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: