Miles Davis: Live von der Kunstinsel in Hamburg
This is the now liberated Electric Blue bootleg EB012+13
Date: 30 July 1990
Venue: Kunstinsel, Hamburg, Germany
Part of this show was seeded before source from a 192kps broadcast and dynamically remastered.
This seed contains the full show from a bootleg (stating stereo soundboard) source, and as such is an better alternate, and thus upgrade, for the previous seed which was a excellent re-mastering of a 192kps broadcast signal.
More details in Alternate versions below.
Stereo soundboard (according to CD cover)
Track List: (tracks seeded before are marked with * )
101 Perfect Way *
102 Star People * (previously labeled New Blues)
103 Hannibal *
104 The Senate - Me And You *
105 In the Night
106 Human Nature
107 Time After Time
201 Wrinkle
202 Tutu * (previously only about 90%)
203 Don'tStop Me Now
203 Carnival Time
Not in this seed the Slave To The Rhythm Intro which was in the previous seed
Miles Davis (tp, keyb)
Kenny Garrett (as, fl)
Joe "Foley" McCreary (lead-b, voc)
Kei Akagi (keyb)
Richard Patterson (el-b,voc)
Ricky Wellman (ds)
Erin Davis (el-perc)
BootCD -> Alcohol 120% image (w subchannel data) -> EAC 0.95b4 -> FLAC 1.1.2a
The boot contains the whole session.
I don't know how the booters got their version.
(including a scan of the ticket, so I guess he was one of the lucky ones that was there)
Plosin doesn't have any data on this session
Scans or boot's artwork included
alternate versions:
Part of a 25 May 2006 rebroadcast of this show was seeded on 26 May 2006 in a dynamic re-mastered format:
The unknown uploader stated the following:
"Recorded from Astra satellite mpeg2 digital radio (mpeg 1 layer II, audio bitrate 192 kbps, 48 KHz) >coax wire>Marian Marc 2 (setting: 16 bit/48 Khz)>HD>remaster with WaveLab 5.0 using shuffle imager, linear phase multiband dynamic expander (up to + 5 db reconstruction of the signal amplitude) and valve tube preamp warmyfier plug ins at 32, 48, and 64 bit solution dithered with UV 22 HR filter,16 bit/44.1 Khz downsampling, -0.01 db normalisation>tracking with CD Wave>Flac Frontend (Level 8)"
Mods, please leave that show on, so the dedicated musical archeologists can compare if they wish to do so. The previous seeder showed what reconstruction can do, which should induce more of us to acquire these skills!
I have checked, as far as possible if this is an extract of the DVD's audio, and as far as I can see it isn't. There is for example a break in McCreary's solo on Tutu DVD which isn't on the CDs (nor in the previous seed's Tutu for that matter).I don't have dedicated tools to check this. However, the tracks on DVD and CDS are the same.
Final note:
The boot came with an accompanying DVD, if there is sufficient interest I can put that one up separately
I don't know the preferred format; someone would need to advice on that? The Alcohol .MDF is 4.2Gb, at my max speed of about 25Kb/s that would take about 48 hours. But if a few of you with a big pipe are early leechers it still moves reasonably fast for you.
In the meantime:
Some of you could put some other Miles on! I still have about 100Kb/s download speed which is barely used. It doesn't affect the upload speed. Look in your collections. Some obscure lables may actually be boots, e.g. all Miles stuff on Jazz Door, Megadisc, So What, SeyMour, Red Circle, Tempo di Jazz, Lone Hill Jazz, any many more. We just have to check it hasn't been released formally since the boot's releases. Just ask if you don't know for sure. Remember that booters can only make money when fans don't share. You could use the money you save on boots to buy a nice official release from your favorites.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: