Funky Sunday with Miss Lavelle White featuring Ruthie Foster
Antone's, Austin, Texas
January 15, 2017
Edirol R09-HR in shirt pocket did a fine job
Guitar, vocals: George Rarey
Keyboards, vocals: Hurricane Matt Farrell
Sax, harmonica: Mark Kaz Kazanoff
Bass: Appa Perry
Drums: Paul Buddha Mills
The show started just as I reached the door and I missed
the first two measures or so of the first song. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Otherwise, the band was sharp, Ruthie Foster did her usual
great work, and, with her 88th birthday approaching, Miss
Lavelle may have some of the best pipes in Austin blues.
(As long as she doesn't try to hit the high notes. But she
does try, especially during the second set, and that kind
of sounds like a car skidding on an icy highway while cats
scratch their claws on the nearest blackboards. Take those
banshee screeches for what they are and enjoy the rest of
it all, because it's some hot, sharp music.)
I shortened a long silent gap between "Joy Comes Back" and
"Goin' Down Slow" that was the band talking offmic for a
couple of minutes. Didn't need any other editing. I searched
for the lyrics of White's songs to get the titles and only
scored a few in the second set, while everyone knows the
last two songs of the first set. If anyone can help out with
the remainder, we'll all owe you a beer.
101 Instrumental (Band)
102 Title unknown (Band)
103 Band & Ruthie Foster introduction
104 Up Above My Head / I Hear Music in the Air / Thrill Is Gone (Foster)
105 Smalltown Blues (Foster)
106 Title unknown (White)
107 Title unknown (White)
108 Chat
109 Today I Started Loving You Again (White)
110 Money (That's What I Want) (White)
201 No Matter What I Do (Band)
202 Title unknown (Band)
203 Chat, Ruthie Foster introduction
204 Joy Comes Back (Foster)
205 Goin' Down Slow (Foster)
206 Chat
207 Turning Point (White)
208 Mississippi, My Home (White)
209 Title unknown (White)
210 Title unknown (White)
211 Livin' for the City (White)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: