please consign this info-sheet with the shared music - thanks !
This upload here has NOTHING to do with these official releases:
Mitch Ryder - Easter In Berlin (Live 1980)
Recorded "Live In Concert" on Easter Sunday April 6, 1980
at Deutschlandhalle, West Berlin, West Germany - Mitch Ryder & Band
together with Flamin' Groovies, Dave Edmunds' Rockpile & The Police...
and ALSO NOT with:
Mitch Ryder - Live Talkies & Easter In Berlin 1980
Repertoire Records, 2011
"Live Talkies" recorded "Live" at Teldec-Studios, Hamburg. 1981
"Easter In Berlin 1980" same as above: April 6, 1980 at Deutschlandhalle
MITCH RYDER & BAND (band's name)
"Line's Greatest Lines In Concert" (the motto)
Waldb�hne (the outdoor venue)
Berlin (the city) aka West-Berlin (before
West Germany (the country) aka FRG or Federal Republic of Germany
May 17, 1981 (the date)
transferred FM 1st gen analog tape,
here downsampled to 16 Bit/44.1 kHz:
total: 26:55.35 minutes
WAV - files: 271 MB total size
FLAC - files: 174 MB total size
FLAC - ratio: 0.6425 (6 files)
*** Original transfer done in 24 Bit/96 kHz format ***
*** high resolution WAV size: 894 MB - ask for it ***
as far as we know NONE of this torrent was used commercially...
the complete broadcast:
01. Rock & Roll [Lou Reed] 6:29.00
02. It�s All Over Now [Robert Dwayne �Bobby� Womack] 6:21.24
03. Red Scar Eyes [Ryder, Levise] 4:41.04
04. Subterranean Homesick Blues [Bob Dylan] 4:06.64
05. thank you Berlin & band intro 1:01.51
06. Wicked Messenger [Bob Dylan] 4:15.42
total time: 26:55.35 minutes
the notes:
[] - indicates the original writer/composer
the musicians:
Mitch Ryder aka William Levise Jr. - vocals, tambourine
Richard Schein - lead & rhythm guitar
Joe Gutc - lead & slide guitar
Marc Gougeon - bass
Wilson Owens - drums, percussion
Billy Csernits - keyboards
THE COMPLETE LINEAGE (as far as we know...):
the recording & transfer 1:
1. recorded and snail-mail traded in the 1980ies by "the Berlin friend":
broadcast > fm-tuner > unknown analog recording gear > unknown master tape >
> dubbed with two high quality taperecorder > Maxell UR 90 (1st generation)
2. listened to, stored away (and forgotten) in the old basement by "Wuppi"
3. finally found, restored, digitally transferred and dropbox-ed by "deafmusic"
PLAYBACK: Tascam 112 markII (manually azimuth aligned, NO noise reduction) >
> Studio PC pro soundcard with 24 Bit/96 kHz > Creative Wave Studio > dropbox
transfer 2 -or- what lonetaper did (nearly nothing, as usual...):
dropbox "download" via fast VDSL2 Annex B connection > FRITZ!Box 7390 (what else ?) > LAN >
> self customised studio PC, Motherboard with new watercooled AMD Phenom� II X6
six-core processor 1090T, clock speed 3,2 GHz, Serial ATA Interface >
> actually 1TB Western Digital Harddisc with Thermaltake HD Cooler (EVER had a HardDisc burnout ??) >
> WAV 24bit/96Khz > Ozone5 & a few additional programms: complete mastering, normalizing etc.pp. >
> iZotope Ozone5 SRC & MBIT+ Dither: exceptionally transparent conversion to different bit depths >
> WAV 16bit/44.1 Khz > Exact Audio Copy (WAV files check) > Traders Little Helper 2.7.0 (Build 172):
Sector Boundaries aligned, level 6 encoding > FLAC 16bit/44.1 > Traders Little Helper (test encoded
audio files, check audio for SBE, show audio file details -> included in a separate subfolder!) > DIME
MBIT+: This is a proprietary iZotope word length reduction technology that reduces
quantization distortion with minimal perceived noise. While this might sound like
a paradox, MBIT+ is a very smooth, quiet and almost "analog sounding" technology.
QUALITY OF YOUR OWN SRC (sample rate converter):
NO additional EQ'ing was used here, and none of those compressors,
Sonic Maximizer or other psychoacoustic processors - it's good enough...
I balanced just the stereo channels a tad - leaving the rest untouched.
The only further addition was a short fade-in @ the beginning (the
fade-out @ the end = original), so truly NO MUSIC was harmed or lost.
It's a deafmusic transfer & lonetaper mastering - 'NUFF SAID !
or, as our buddy "realomind" usually claims:
"It ain't perfect, but it ain't bad"
if you're still beset BY DOUBTS,
please check the sample...or better:
here we have still THE SAME excellent band that played the famous ROCKPALAST show...
Remember the legendary full-moon night ? 5th Rockpalast Night - October 6.-7., 1979 ?
Surprisingly, though, it came to be an incredible show. the band and the band seemed
to turn their 'war' into raw energy on stage, which did not hurt their music at all.
Rock'n'roll to the finest. Even I was first annoyed about Mitch until i noticed the
intensity all of this brought to the songs. When i later on listened to the 'live-cuts'
again, i realized, that this was one of the best Rockpalast concerts. A real 'magic night'
in the history of the Rockpalast or simply 'The Blues'.
'In my opinion this was one of the best shows i have ever witnessed, and as with all
realy 'Great shows' it included moments, that mirrored the size of the microcosmos.
One of those moments was during 'ain't nobody white'. Even now i get goosebumps thinking
about it. It showed not only the tension, that excisted during the whole show between
Mitch and his band, but also the one between William Levise (his real name) and his
alter ego, Mitch Ryder, and, of course, not to forget the tension he had built up to
his audience. 'The Blues' is not only a sympton of social, but also of personal hurt,
and Mitch Ryder certainly hurt that night. Sometimes it acutally felt bad to watch it,
it was almost too much. Some people later on claimed, that Mitch Ryder went too far,
that he put more into this than was fair to his audience. They also later on claimed,
that he made a fool of himself in front of millions of people.
They got embaressed and turned away. I believe they missed out on something."
- 'Nightflights' by Alan Bangs
The unsung heart and soul of the Motor City rock & roll scene, Mitch Ryder & the Detroit
Wheels' blue-eyed R&B attack boasted a gritty passion and incendiary energy matched by
few artists on either side of the color line. Born William Levise, Jr. in Hamtramck,
Michigan on February 26, 1945, Ryder sang...
Ryder resurfaced in 1979 on his own 'Seeds and Stems' label - and on the German label
'Line' - with "How I Spent My Vacation," his first new LP in seven years; "Naked but not
Dead" appeared a year later (1980), and he continued his prolific output in 1981 with two
new efforts, "Live Talkies" and "Got Change for a Million?" In 1983 ardent fan John Cougar
Mellencamp agreed to produce Ryder's major-label comeback, "Never Kick a Sleeping Dog,"
which generated a minor hit with its cover of the Prince classic "When You Were Mine"
but otherwise failed to return the singer to mainstream success, at least at home -- in
Europe, and particularly in Germany, he retained a large fan following, releasing "In
the China Shop" again on 'Line' in 1986. After satirizing the Iran-Contra debacle with the
1987 single "Good Golly, Ask Ollie," Ryder issued the full-length "Red Blood, White Mink"
the following year; subsequent efforts include 1990's "The Beautiful Toulang Sunset,"
1992's "La Gash," and 1994's "Rite of Passage." He continued touring steadily in the
years to follow and also worked on an autobiography.
Ryder's first new studio album in nearly 30 years,
the Don Was-produced "The Promise," appeared in 2012.
- Jason Ankeny
But the nights were the real Mitch Ryder came to the party......were
some high points of my life. I am proud to have performed with one
of the true Rock Legends of our time.
Thank you to all my German friends that I made over the years.....
I miss seeing them more than anything else.......when I remember
my days with Mitch.
Billy Csernits....January 2001
Live Talkies & Easter In Berlin 1980 (Repertoire Records, 2011)
...passiert ist, dass die beiden Gitarristen (Gutc im rechten Speaker an der Slide) zum
H�henflug ansetzen und im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes alles niederm�hen, was ihnen vors
Griffbrett kommt. Das ist so gewaltig, dass diese CD ohne Zwischenstopp in meine pers�nliche
Live Top Ten aufgestiegen ist. Man H�RT und F�HLT, wie die beiden sich gegenseitig be-
und anfeuern und zu immer neuen Soloausfl�gen anstacheln - vorangetrieben vom Rhythmusteam
Ab den ersten paar Takten von Long Hard Road und Gutc' Slide stehen einem die Haare zu Berge.
Der schnelle Funk Liberty ein Problem? Bl�dsinn. Nice And Easy belanglos? Nicht in dieser
Version. Ausf�lle? Keine. Als alter WISHBONE-ASH-Fan ist man ja von zwei Lead-Gitarristen
einiges gew�hnt, und "Live Dates" ein Heiligtum. Aber ganz ehrlich: diese Ryder-Band in dieser
Form h�tte Powell/Wisefield, die post-"Live Dates" ASH Version schlechthin, erbarmungslos
von der B�hne geblasen. Und Edmunds oder POLICE h�tte ich an diesem Abend auch nicht sein
m�gen. Rock und Blues Rock at ist definitely best.
Stellenweise duelliert sich Ryder mit seinen Urschreien mit Schein an der Lead, und bei War
gibt es dann kein Halten mehr und die Band l�sst keinen Wiederstand mehr zu.
Der Sound der "Talkies" ist sehr gut (eh schon seit der ersten Ver�ffentlichung damals),
der des Livekonzerts gut und fehlerfrei. Das Booklet ist sehr informativ und unterhaltsam
geschrieben. Wer ein Herz f�r 'klassische' Rockmusik hat, MUSS sich das hier holen, selbst
wenn er damit die "Live Talkies" zum dritten Mal kauft. Sich vorzustellen, dass Ryder diese
Band zwei Jahre sp�ter aufl�ste, weil sein neuer Partner in Crime John 'Cougar' Mellencamp
meinte, das optische Erscheinungsbild der Leute sei f�r die B�hne nicht gut genug...
- Dietrich Gastrock
Germany's independent label, "Line Records" was founded in Hamburg in 1979, by
Uwe Tessnow, a former A&R representative of Decca Records' German branch. The
same year Mitch Ryder's album "How I Spent My Vacation" caught Uwe's ear, and
a distribution deal was made for European release, including the above mentioned
Rockpalast concert in October 1979. Other famous artists (or artists that became
real famous over here through Line's activities...including Rockpalast gigs...)
of this label: Calvin Russell, Spirit, Eric Burdon, Roger Chapman, etc.pp.
read more about the label's history:
"Line's Greatest Lines In Concert"
was a package tour Spring 1981,
documented are these concerts:
May 15. Sartory Saal, K�ln
May 16. Stadtpark, Hamburg
May 17. Waldb�hne, Berlin
with three of Line's best selling artists
Mickey Jupp, Spirit and Mitch Ryder...
Uwe Tessnow, der Mann hinter Line Records, brachte uns seinerzeit eine gro�e Zahl
beinahe vergessener Bands nahe und nutzte unter anderem seine offensichtlich guten
Kontakte zum Rockpalast-Macher Peter R�chel. Eine ganze Reihe Line-Acts erlebte
durch den Rockpalast erstmals oder wieder Aufmerksamkeit, die bekanntesten sind
nat�rlich SPIRIT, Mitch Ryder, Eric Burdon und Roger Chapman, aber Line hatte auch
Spezialit�ten wie die SIEGEL-SCHWALL BAND, B. SHARP, BAD NEWS REUNION und Massen von Lizenz-Wiederver�ffentlichungen im Programm. Tessnow ist es sicherlich zu verdanken,
dass viele dieser alten Namen bis heute noch eine gewisse Publikumswirksamkeit haben.
Musik-Express 07/Juli 81 - about the concert May 16. Stadtpark, Hamburg
... Von daher war die Stimmung f�r Mitch Ryder eigentlich recht gut. Immerhin spielte
er zum x-ten Mal in seiner Hochburg (HAMBURG). Es ging gleich gut los. Hits wie "War"
oder "It Ain't Easy" und "Liberty", nahtlos ineinander geflochten, stimmten auf ein
Finish ein, das zum kr�nenden Feuerwerk h�tte werden k�nnen. Die Band legte sich - wie
bekannt - tierisch ins Zeug, war sichtlich spielgeil und schuftete hart auf einen
versprechenden H�hepunkt hin. Allein die Percussion-Schwerstarbeit von Schlagzeuger
Wilson Owens war eine Ohren- und Augenweide. Nur der Boss selbst, Mr. Willard Levise,
war nicht besonders gut drauf. Er wirkte nerv�s, abwesend, nicht voll konzentriert.
Ohne ersichtlichen Grund f�r die 4000 Fans verlie� er nach sechs Songs die B�hne.
... Cola- und Bierb�chsen hagelten auf die B�hne. Ein legitimer Ausdruck von Unverst�ndnis,
Unwissen und nat�rlich Entt�uschung?! Nach kurzer Unterbrechung kehrte Ryder zur�ck
und beendete seinen Auftritt mit drei weiteren Nummern. Etwas �ber eine Stunde hatte
er damit gespielt. Doch das war nicht mehr wichtig. Dicke Wolken von Unzufriedenheit
lagen �ber der abendlichen Park-Szene. Verdrossen zog man von dannen. ...
- wat
Mitch Ryder 06/15/81 Stadtpark, Hamburg, Germany
It Aint' Easy
Tough Kid
Ain't Nobody White
Wicked Messenger
Nice 'n Easy
True Love
Anm.: Von wegen "nicht gut drauf": Nach meinen Recherchen konnte Mitch Ryder rein gar
nichts f�r diesen kurzen Auftritt. Er MUSSTE schlicht und einfach aufh�ren wegen strikter
Auflagen der Stadt ("L�rmbel�stigung", evtl. abwandernde, "randalierende" Fans, etc.).
So ist es nun einmal bei Rock-Gro�events (4000 Besucher waren anwesend).
15.6.1981- Mickey Jupp, Spirit & (..h�stel..) Mitch Ryder..Stadtpark/Hamburg
Ich kann mich noch an die Konzert-Kritik im Musik Express erinnern. Es war ein kleines
Festival von der Plattenfirma Line und Mitch Ryder soll, laut der Kritik, nach nur wenigen
Songs von der B�hne gegangen sein, so da� danach die Stimmung im Publikum ziemlich mies
war. Wenn es wirklich so gewesen ist, h�tte es mich sehr verwundert, dass Mitch nach
dem "Rockpalast Skandal Auftritt" wieder aus der Rolle gefallen war.
Ich kann zwar mit dem Mitch Ryder der 70/80/90 er NICHTS anfangen..aber diese kritik
ist definitiv falsch...da konnte M.R. nichts f�r. Das Konzert endete zwar in einem
ziemlichen Dosen/Becherhagel, da� lag aber daran, da� er nicht l�nger spielen DURFTE.
Da das Festival ( 3000-4000 Leute waren da ) mit 3 bands/k�nstlern besetzt war...und es
STRIKTE auflagen der stadt gibt, wann das Konzert beendet sein mu� (Open air = besonderer
Schallschutz...blabla )MUSSTE sich M.R. an diese Weisung halten. Mir wars wurscht...
das ganze war eh�nicht soo meine musik..mein bruder wollte hin...und da bin ich eben
mitgegangen. Spirit waren noch die besten. Da gab es auch mal einen radiomitschnitt von...
hab ich aber leider nicht mehr.
- thokei
And if there's some interest, maybe there is MORE TO COME...
it just depends on YOUR demeanor, and lotta useful comments ;-)
PLEASE support the artists, visit their concerts
and buy all their available CDs & merchandise...
Check out the following websites:,Mitch
Hey You !
There are more stunning recordings out of our collection on DIME...
please check all our other uploads...BUT: BEWARE - LOTS OF TEXT TO READ !
-> still a damn lot more to come...
Dime allows alternative versions, I don't own the music, so I can't stop you, but
the correct thing to do amongst tapers/editors is TO ASK FIRST...(C. by scdegraaf)
This torrent includes just a few photos of the venue & the band - they
are ALL amateur shots from the taper/sound engineer (close friend of the
musicians - with their permission) or from the promoters/club owners (also
with their permission), pictures just made by fans for fans...
FURTHERMORE the uploader of this torrent is fully aware that professionally
shot photographs are copyrighted material and therefore cannot be shared on
DIME without the express permission of the copyright holder.
1. recorded and snail-mail traded in the 1980ies by "the Berlin friend"
2. listened to, stored away (and forgotten) in the old basement by "Wuppi"
3. found, restored, digitally transferred and dropbox-ed by buddy "deafmusic"...
torrent completely prepared & first uploaded by FK & Leo on DIME, January 10, 2013.
This is "MWM 00298"
please consign this info-sheet with the shared music - thanks !
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: