Up In Smoke Roadtour # 4
Amp, Muenster, Germany
September - 21 - 2012
It's a SPACEBANDIT, so you're in there!
Rec. Info:
OM2R -> ZoomH2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SDcard -> HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND... stoned again!
Recorded by yours truly stage edge almost dead center. A good decision, as a crowd in Muenster is usually very chatty, and so it was once again.
Recording turned out very well, so there was no need for any EQ, just a bit of volume boost. Some crappy (or very psychedelic?) pics included as well...
Taped with permission of the band. Taped sitting on a subwoofer box, facing the low end of the bass. Hope they like that recording, too.
UP IN SMOKE ROADTOUR time again! And here are the results from my friday evening's experience at lovely AMP in Muenster. First of all, thanks to the location, which is
a music club, very much 70's styled with old carpets on the floor, very friendly workers, and even a doorguard, who never controlled twice once you were in, just having a smile
each time I went out to carry the "tons" of vinyl back to my car. And, of course 3 mindblowing bands from Germany, France and Switzerland, who were very fan-friendly, always in
good mood for a chat and eager to sign the vinyls/posters/CDs! Well, I think they all didn't expect such a crowd in a provinical town as Muenster, which is known to be not really
stoner-rock affected (besides me and some friends!). So, summa summarum a great evening for all, especially when I was I told, this was the "Bergfest" (the midth of the tour)!
Besides a local band, that started the festivities, and which I did not tape cause it was my late arrival there after work, all other music is well captured!
Show #3/finale of UP IN SMOKE#4 in Muenster, Westphalia. Features a band, which is well known in psychedelicstonerspacerock circles. I hope to make up with this recording for the minor
good one taped at YELLOWSTOCK, where the boxstack I was taping off failed a few times due to the terbbile heat. This recording has no flaws at all...
So, here we go, space in, light one up, and dive deep into the cosmos of the MONKEY 3. Enjoy the ride! SB
FULL SHOW (65:22 min.)
01. Intro -> (4:20)
02. Xub -> (5:53)
03. Driver (5:18)
04. Electric mistress (5:09)
05. Camhell (6:30)
06. Motorcycle broer (5:51)
07. Last guamuzao (7:02)
08. ... (5:57)
09. Jack (8:58)
10. Through the desert (10:18)
Support the band, go to their shows, and buy as much merch as your mule can carry!
Do not convert to fucking bad lossy mp3, unless for personal use!
If you sell, go to hell!
MONKEY 3 are:
BORIS - guitar
PICASSO - bass
dB - keyboards
WALTER - drums
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Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
Monkey3_2012-09-21AmpMuensterGermany (6).JPG
Monkey3_2012-09-21AmpMuensterGermany (7).JPG
Monkey3_2012-09-21AmpMuensterGermany (8).JPG
Monkey3_2012-09-21AmpMuensterGermany (9).JPG