MONOMYTH (from Belgium)
Yellowstock Festival 2012
De Boogaart, Geel, Belgie
August - 17 - 2012
Afternoon Inside Show (ca. 14.45->15.30)
It's a SPACEBANDIT, so you're in it!
Rec. Info:
OKM2mics -> Zoom H2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SDcard -> HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by your truly in a "belgium sauna" fronting left speakers at app. 2 meters. This was the only show I did "inside", as the unbearable heat got me soaking wet from sweat.
There will be a few more "inside" shows, but they were taped by my friends, as I did all the "outside" taping. That wasn't really more cool, but at least not as heavy to stand, as
inside. Oh, this sounds pretty the way...
Hi there! As you see, our team (Wolli, Michael and me) survived the "melting pot" in Belgium at a small but great festival. With temperatures each noon of way above 30 Degree Celsius,
and "tropical" nights, all taping was only a labour of love. And WE did our best, you can be sure. WE taped quite a lot of bands there, had some nice chats with both artists and audience.
YELLOWSTOCK is located on the ground of Geel's Youth Centre, almost centre of town, and has only limited space to offer. And no parking area, just a small ground for tents only. Well,
what do you do, if you arrive (three guys from three different places) with three "Kombi" cars (to sleep in), and find a silent area? Well, we got it managed, and had only about a
kilometer walk. Gorgeous would be another experession for something else, but - ok - for two nights it was more than fine. Hooking up with a forth guy, Bernd from Moenchengladbach, we
almost got "campground feeling". Ups...not really, but it turned to that all worked out fine, and he was always there to save me a place on his blanket in the shade on the festival
ground. So, thank you Bernd! A pleasure we all have met there...
As I said, Yellowstock is a rather small festival, which I would estimate at 500-600 musiclovers, but nethertheless, they put on a "setlist" which is really fantastic. The shows
changed from "indoors" to "outdoors", but with sometimes just a five minute break. Well, that's too fast to pick up your gear and change the position...
Anyway, a great BIG THANKS to YELLOWSTOCK cre in Belgie for this great entertainment.
Like to start with a belgium band, who's sound is a bit of dreamy instrumental mixture of stoner, kraut, space and progressive rock. Before you ask me, better listen to yourself...
Got them tapes-a-rollin'... SB.
FULL SHOW (46:22 min.)
01. Intro -> ... -> (11:47)
02. ... -> (9:03)
03. ... -> (9:51)
04. ... (15:40)
Help with the setlist is very welcome.
Sorry no details about the lineup, but a few pictures included...
Support the artists, go to their shows, and buy as much merchandise as you mule can carry.
Do not convert to fucking mp3, unless for personal use. Flac rules!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: