Monster Mike Welch and Mike Ledbetter, Bon Encontre-France, ARSLA benefit, salle Jacques Pevert, 27 april 2018, SM aud master
Mike Welch, guitar man forever with strong Otis Rush influences and Mike Lebetter, 10 stars singer, together as they made their last album !
The evening was designed to collect money for a foundation fighting against what we call "la maladie de Charcot" (Charcot illness) here.
Hats off to both Mike and their band who played for free for this benefit, right in the middle of their european tour, doing hundreds of extra miles to be there.
A strong generosity appeared also in their splendid show, as sensitive than energic.
By chance, to me, the capture does justice to the quality level of the performance.
Recommended for blues guitar lovers !
Recorded from the 4th row, left side, with :
2 x DPA 4099 supercard mics - DAD6001 - Zoom H5 (48/24), phantom on.
Downsampled 44/16 wav to PC, Audacity (volume adjustments, slight eq, tracks, FLAC export), md5 with TLH.
Monster Mike Welch, guitar
Mike Ledbetter, vocals, guitar on some songs
and a french rythm section (keys, bass and drums).
01 I Can't Please You
02 Kay Marie
03 Talk
04 She Belongs to me
05 Talk
06 Why You Don't Love Me
07 Talk
08 Big Mama
09 ...
10 Pretty Girl
11 Talk
12 Cryin'Won't Help You
13 Talk
14 I Can't Stop Baby
15 Cry For Me Baby
16 Early In The Morning
17 Talk
18 Down Home Girl
19 Good Bye Baby
20 Audience
21 Can't Sit Down
22 Outro
Samples in comments.
No good lights for pictures but some are added.
On dime by letsgo, may 2018.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
MonsterMikeWelchMikeLedbetter2018-04-27BonEncontreFrance (5).JPG
MonsterMikeWelchMikeLedbetter2018-04-27BonEncontreFrance (6).JPG
MonsterMikeWelchMikeLedbetter2018-04-27BonEncontreFrance (7).JPG
MonsterMikeWelchMikeLedbetter2018-04-27BonEncontreFrance (8).JPG
MonsterMikeWelchMikeLedbetter2018-04-27BonEncontreFrance (9).JPG