The Moody Blues - LA Forum 1974-01-30 AUD master reel-to-reel (first time in circulation, TheTooleMan reconstruction) First-time release of the entire mind-boggling show, read notes (mp3 sample included)
Hey if you ever thought that you'd like to have one, just one ultimate Moody Blues concert, this might just be the one. The performance is beyond spectacular, and the band were fully into it and loving it (not like now). This tape was almost nine years in getting here to Dime. I'm breaking a promise in letting you have it, but perhaps the sin might be forgiven under these particular circumstances.
A long time ago I acquired a cache of reel to reel masters, taped by Steve A of the Riverside, California area. Many of them were torrented around the 2007-8 time period and included Wild Turkey, two Jethro Tull concerts, Emerson, Lake and Palmer, King Crimson, Yes, etc, etc. This one was held back as a favor to MoodySMB (RIP). She did a phenomenal amount of research in order to get the date straight, and apparently she also dealt with an assorted bunch of unpleasant people in the process. You could call them hoarders, but it went further than that in their conversations. You probably know someone like that if you are hysterical about your unreleased material as I am. She made me promise never to release the show as a consequence of her efforts and the nastiness she encountered from other Moody Blues collectors. Who would have known THAT would occur?
MoodySMB donated her tape collection to me after personal misfortunes, then unfortunately passed away two years ago last week. There are hundreds of her concerts, I haven't even begun to look. There's no reason to hold on to this particular show anymore. YOU should grab it in memory of her efforts.
As some of the other reels were, this one was a reused white box tape. The concert ran extremely fast. I speed-corrected the reel through Sound Forge, then sent FLACs to TheTooleMan as I thought there was something wrong with the EQ which I couldn't handle. I think you'll like the results.
The only other known tape of this night was a partial show, which was a cut-up and rearranged capture by another taper, which made it onto the "Grande Toure" boot LP. Finally: yes, this concert was partially filmed. To the best of my knowledge, the films are lost. I don't have them and efforts to have the taper find them have failed.
Setlist (runtime 1hr37m)
Intro and Taper's Comments
Higher And Higher
Out And In
The Story In Your Eyes
One More Time To Live
Tuesday Afternoon
Legend Of A Mind
Watching And Waiting
Eternity Road
Melancholy Man
Are You Sitting Comfortably?
The Dream
Have You Heard? part 1
The Voyage
Have You Heard? part 2
Nights In White Satin
I'm Just A Singer In A Rock And Roll Band
Intro to Question
Applause and Taper's Comments
Ride My Seesaw
Lineage: Reel ->Akai GX-400D SS ->Sound Forge ->Speed Correction ->Flac ->TheToolMan's mystical processes ->Flac ->WAV ->Sound Forge ->track splitup and glitch removal ->FLAC via TLH, level 6, sectors aligned and verified
A DoinkerTape
ps: If you do live in Japan, or are Japanese I suppose I should say something. No clue of what to say, though.