The Moody Blues
2015-04-04 Circus Maximus Theater
Caesars Hotel and Casino
Atlantic City, NJ USA
source : schoeps mk-4v > actives > nbox platinum > sony pcm-m10 > 24/96 wav
adobe audition > ozone 6 > sample manager > xACT 2.34 > flac 16
taper : edtyre
location : 7th row loc
Gemini Dream
The Voice
Steppin' in a Slide Zone
Say It With Love
Peak Hour
I Know You're Out There Somewhere
The Story in Your Eyes
Your Wildest Dreams
Isn't Life Strange
Higher and Higher
Tuesday Afternoon
I'm Just a Singer (In a Rock and Roll Band)
Late Lament> Nights in White Satin
Ride My See-Saw
The Band:
Justin Hayward - guitar, vocals
John Lodge - bass, vocals
Graeme Edge - drums, vocals
Norda Mullen - guitar, flute, vocal
Julie Ragins - keyboard, saxophone, guitar, vocal
Gordon Marshall - drums
Alan Hewitt - keyboards, vocals
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
MoodyBlues2015-04-04CircusMaximusTheaterLasVegasNV (9).JPG