Psychedelic Network Festival #9
Cafe Cairo, Wuerzburg, Germany
November - 25 - 2016
Day #1 - Act #2 (app. 19:00 -> 21:00)
It's a Spacebandit, so you're in there!
Rec. Info:
OKM2R -> Zoom H2n (@ WAV 16/44) -> Memorycard -> HD -> Audacity (edit/volume boost+balance only) -> WAV 16/$4 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by yours Spacey with the mics pasted to wall (@ app. 2.5 meters) left side of the stage app. 2 meters from edge. Due to the extended length of each show I decided against my usual taping
practice of front row taping. Overall sound was not the best, a bit muddy and some distortions from the drums/cymbals (?) were also high up in the mix. A bit more chatter than I wished,
but all not too disturbing. A bunch of nice pics from dear Blueshacks are also included but, sorry, no setlist...
As winter time approaches us was time for another great PNF in W�rzburg. My 7th time in a row and I'll pray for many more to come and be there! Such a beautiful city, so many
beautiful people, so much fun....straight from the heart thanks to my "core" crew: Brother Martin, Joerg from Essen, MIRO from Gescher, Blueshacks from Kevelaer, Reinhard from Essen and
our dear friend from "Hesse" Rendel. Great talks, good vibes and inspiration as well. Big hugs thanks to the "unstoppable" tapercrew from Naermberch, the Fuzzin' Bros#7, HarrieTheFox and
all those other great boys and girls there to make this another magnificient experience...again.
My dearest special thanks to the "chief" of ceremonies, Horst, for surprising us once more...great bands, superb vibes...all exceptional weird..ahem..ok, mindblowing.
Big thanks to all involved to do the work on the bar, the sound and the lights, KosmicKlaus lightshow...far-out...all was done with inspiration and love.
I like to leave with something in german: VIELEN LIEBEN DANK.
Attendence: stricktly limited to 150 tickets
Admission fee: 48 Euros, advance, sold out in July 2016. Hardtickets only!
Catering: no food, but cool prices for a cold local 0.33 beer in bottles (!) at 2.10 Euros. Wine,too, tea or coffee and water for free!
Smoking: Only outside, but ashtray stands were given not to pollute the area.
Merchandise: All bands had their tables up on the next floor. Talks/Buying/Signing...tons of Vinyl...yes, I love that kind of shit!
Loos: not in the best shape, but clean. No way to go out and piss on the wall...
Downer: Yes, there real downer...the heating system with big tubes were on, so it felt like summertime inside...awful! (yes, Horst already apologized for this. No more heating in 2017!)
Well, about almost three years ago I first got my ears and mind into listening to this fine psychedelic (instrumental) stoner rock trio from Plauen, Vogtland (Thueringia) Germany and
fell immediately in love with them. After receiving a bunch of recordings from shows (but did not catch them "live") in early 2015 I decided (with gracious help from the Fuzzman) to
contact Horst that this would be a perfect band for the PNF. And luckily he agreed to add them the the #8 festival. But all things went other way, as they had to cancel the show due
to a leg injury of Cornelius...what a bummer! But on stage last year, Horst already promised they'd be given a slot on this year's festival. And so it was...
So, c'mon, I can't be objective on this show...this was stoner rock heaven for two hours! Extended journeys through songs from their released two albums, "Muttermaschine" and "Absturz"
and two very long tracks from their upcoming third album. And yes...the "Spacewolf" (Weltraumwolf) as an encore let my heart beat like a hammer and mind set off all controls. Gorgeous! SB.
FULL SHOW (119:52 min.)
01. Ansage vom Horst (2:32)
02. Wuestenwind (14:56)
03. Truemmer (7:26)
04. Lichtung (16:38)
05. Hangar (10:17)
06. Relief (7:18)
07. Bretthart (6:14)
08. Talk and tune (1:12)
09. (new song) (17:10)
10. Talk and tune (1:30)
11. (new song) (18:36)
12. Encore call (2:29)
13. Weltraumwolf (13:30)
Setlist is matter of guess/please help/correct if neccessary...
bandcamp/facebook or other sites...
Support this awesome band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise your spaceship can carry.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy net use! Flac rules!
If you spread keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free!
If you sell (this recording)...go fucking strauight to hell!
CHRIS TRAUTENBACH - guitar, vocals
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2016/12/01
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
MotherEngine2016-11-25CafeCairoWuerzburgGermany (3).jpg
MotherEngine2016-11-25CafeCairoWuerzburgGermany (4).jpg
MotherEngine2016-11-25CafeCairoWuerzburgGermany (5).jpg
MotherEngine2016-11-25CafeCairoWuerzburgGermany (6).jpg
MotherEngine2016-11-25CafeCairoWuerzburgGermany (7).jpg
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MotherEngine2016-11-25CafeCairoWuerzburgGermany (9).jpg