Verkstedhallen, Trondheim, Norge
May - 24 - 2017
Rec. Info:
AudioReality hademade stealth mics -> Olympus LS14 (@ WAV 16/44) -> Memorycard -> HD -> filesharing -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/volume boost/balance only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC ->
DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...leaving on a sunship...
Recorded by dear friend and taper genius Lars from 2nd row almost dead center.Venues system sound wasn't too fine. Sometimes distortive, sometimes very good. A just a few chatters here
and there audible but entertaining stagetalk, too. Of course if you speak norwegian language...A few pics added, the setlistscan from Thor Egil provided the written down below...
About a week and a year since I've listened to my favourite band doing their thing onstage since that blowout in Oldenburg (or to be more detailed a day later in Horsens). Those were
the final shows with Kenneth Kapstad on drums and besides a long date with performances of score music there was no sign of a new guy behind the kit. The lucky news came around New Year's
day and besides a (few?) secret gigs this was the first possibility to catch them again. Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends !!!
Luckily our dear Lars took the plane to Trondheim and captured this important moment in music history. A packed crowd was eager in both the new kid on kit and a lot of new songs on the
setlist. FRom both aspects the band made in a glorious style. I was much impressed about what I've got to listen. ESpecially the new songs really blew my mind (with the exception of
"Mantric" which was too straight forward hardrock, but both "The Tower" and "Ship of fools" will become "Classic MP" soon!) and - ok, some of you know - a show with "Year Zero" is always
a winner to me. But if that wasn't good enough, us fellow psychonauts were also graced with a rare "Sun ship", a gorgeous "Plan #1" and...yes...the "Vortex Surfer".
Tomas style is quite different to Kenneth, as he's a more straight forward drummer who leaves much space for the "old guys" and pushes them into new heights. Well done!
Oh, as it was also Tomas birthday there's a bit of norwegian singalong close to the end of this show. Celebrating your b-day with such a show is definitely enchanting!
Anyway, my favourite moment of this great show comes in the transition between "Hell" and "Year Zer0" with a few simple notes that almost broke my heart. So f***ing beautiful!
In deep hopes that they'll continue on the same level @ my "homelawn" festival "KRACH AM BACH" on 4th of August, I'll prepare the red carpet for them there...Tusen Takk, ViKINGS! SB.
FULL SHOW (152:36 min)
01. Intro -> B.T.F.B.L. (8:59) *
02. Kill devil hills -> (6:24)
03. She left on a sun ship (8:41)
04. The cuckoo (7:03) *
05. Hell 1-3 -> (14:42)
06. Year Zer0 (12:03)
07. The tower (12:58) *
08. Lacuna/Sunrise -> (11:23)
09. SpinSpinSpin (7:23) **
10. On a plate (4:11)
11. Mantric (4:04) *
12. Plan # 1 (8:40)
13. Ship of fools (13:04) *
14. Vortex surfer (9:02)
15. Tomas birthday celebration (1:41)
--- Encore ---
16. Here be monsters (22:10)
* new songs, maybe available on the new album (September 2017)
** song by TERRY CALLIER (RIP)
Support this awesome band, go to their shows, buy all the stuff your spaceship can carry!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy net use! Flac rules!
If you spread keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers who give you this recording for free!
If you sell (this recording) ... norwegian wolves are always hungry!
PSYCHONAUTS at work...
Bent S?ther - bass, vocals, guitar, electronics
Hans Magnus "Snah" Ryan - guitar, vocals, electronics
Tomas J?rmyr - drums, percussion
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2017/05/27
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: