/\/\/\/\/\ Mountain /\/\/\/\/\
"Way Down 'Round Jersey"
*The Starland Ballroom*
Sayreville, NJ
January 13, 2007
Source/Lineage: Sony ECM-MS907>Sony D8 (via mic-in)>DAT>
Cool Edit Pro (via line-in)>Wave>Flac Level 6
Taped By: Al Horta (moderndaywarrior2112@yahoo.com)
***Modern Day Warrior Recordingzzz***
Disc Total Time - 78:20
01. Star Spangled Banner 3:27
02. Blood Of The Sun 9:05
03. Never In My LIfe 5:43
04. Theme For An Imaginary Western 9:17
05. Goin' Down 12:38
06. Blowin In The Wind 6:52
07. Drum solo/Jam 5:58
08. It's A Man's World 6:40
09. Nantucket Sleighride (w/Beat It & Paint It Black jam) 12:54
10. Mississippi Queen 5:41
Leslie West - Guitar, Vocals
Corky Laing - Drums & Stick Tossin'
Ritchie Scarlett - Bass & Vocals
Nothing much was done to the recording except slight EQ and track splitting.
My first time seeing Mountain and they put on a great show.Corky is definitely
a great enternainer and I've never seen a drummer toss out more sticks than him!