ProgDay '10
Day 2, Band 4 - The Muffins
Sep 5th, 2010 ~5:00pm - 6:30pm
Storybook Farm, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Tom Scott - wind instruments, keyboards
Dave Newhouse - keyboards, sax, harmonica, accordion
Billy Swann - bass, guitar
Paul Sears - drums
1. soundcheck excerpts (2:59)
2. Paul pool-toss auction & intro (3:09)
3. MEDLEY 1: (13:21)
includes Queenside and Antidote to Dry-dock
4. MEDLEY 2: (24:08)
includes Choombachang, drum solo, The Ugly Buttling,
Amelia Earhart and Stethorus Punctum
5. tuning and preparing (3:07)
6. MEDLEY 3: (27:40)
includes Walking the Duck, Sam's Room, Under Dali's Wing and
a some unidentified pieces that were also played at the band's
Sep 12th, 2009 Orion Studios show (possibly new songs?)
7. calls for encore (1:01)
8. ENCORES: (18:08)
includes accordian solo, Impossible John, Military Road
and Hobart Got Burned
Total Time: 93:33 (1 hr, 33 min, 33 sec)
Tascam DP-004 digital recorder -> WAV ->
Cool Edit '96 (filtering, track split) ->
FLAC Frontend -> flac files
This recording came out fairly well. The kick drum
is just a tiny bit distorted in a few spots, but
overall this is a very listenable recording.
The band basically played a few long "medleys" that
blended songs from their albums with improvisations
and (possibly) new songs. Which made it really
difficult to come up with a set list. I finally just
gave up and split the music into four big chunks,
with breaks whenever the band stopped playing. I
listed the songs that I could pick out and identify,
but there might be more lurking in there. Any help
with the set list would be most appreciated.
About ProgDay:
ProgDay is an outdoor festival of progressive rock
that has been held annually since 1995. In 1996 it
was expanded from one day to two and has been hosting
anywhere from eight to eleven progressive rock bands
each year since. The event takes place at beautiful
Storybook farm, unless rain forces it indoors (which
has fortunately only happened twice in the festival's
history). It's a relaxed atmosphere, where you can
view from anywhere you want - right up against the stage
for the bands you like, or back in the vendor tent while
CD shopping during bands you're not wild about. The
people are friendly, and the band members often hang out
all weekend taking in the show and chatting with fans
when they're not on stage. If you're a prog rock fan
and can possibly attend, it's well worth the effort.
The festival just barely breaks even (or sometimes
doesn't), so every ticket sold really helps. Go if
you can.
About The Muffins:
Veterans of two past ProgDays (2001 and 2002) and
countless other concerts over the last 30+ years,
the Muffins walk the line between avant prog and jazz,
and create some great music along the way.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
Muffins2010-09-05ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (9).JPG