My Sleeping Karma
Burg Herzberg Festival 2012
Breitenbach, Hessen, Germany
July - 22 - 2012
Closing Show (Ca. 23:55 -> 01.30)
Freak Stage
The Muddy Mountain Recordings Vol. 1
It's A Spacebandit, So You're In There!
Rec. Info:
OKM2R -> Zoom H2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SDcard -> HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by yours truly at front row dead center. Unfortunately no barstool/bartable available, but the great company of Horst from PNF Festival taping side by side. That was far better
than any stool or table...But compared to SFTU 2011 we switched the positions. Now he was right of me...LOL...And what did a great german taper recently told me:
It's not about the taper, not about the gear, it's all about the position. Think it worked out fine, because this sound mighty fine...
On a personal note: I'd really like to thank the Burg Herzberg Festival crew for making that all possible, given the horrible weather and ground conditions! A REAL BIG CHEER for them!
About a week ago, it seemed to be that the festival was close to cancelled. It was raining strongly for about three weeks, and THEY made it possible that us and them enjoyed another great
time at the "Holy Mountain". The main motto for this year was "Make love work", but it was changed into "Matsch more love" (Matsch = Mud, but also means "MORE" = MUCH, which spells the same
(a game on german/english words). I'd better prefer to "MAKE MATSCH WORK", cause it was something about that. Rubberboots (like QuayLude from the Tubes wore) were the only suviving tool.
Anyway, I'm spripping off my recordings backwards this time, starting with the fantastic closer of this festival, the great MY SLEEPING KARMA. On sunday, the sun was shing all day long,
and the overall situation had soothed almost completely. You never know what you get at the "Holy Mountain", but everything had settled to a floating freaking loving athmosphere. This is
definitely what I love about this place I visit since 1995, and hope to be there for many more years. So fuck the mud!
Another strong note straight from my heart: More than words-thanks to our campground gang: My brother Martin + my sister in law Martina, "Psychedelik-Stammtisch" members Wolli and Martin
(I can't stand the raaaaaiiinnnn! Cool shit, brother), Olaf, Manni and Damo from Hannover (home of finnish Circle), always working to make it "FLAECHIG" (the secret main word from HB 2012),
And, of course, to my dear taping brother PROPYLAEN, who suffered a nine hours delay (yes 9 hours) to make the last 2 kilometers to arrive at the campground on thursday. Took us only
3 hours to get in on wednesday, when I was usually in after 15 minutes...
Alrighty, 'nuff of thanks and talk... Now only one BIG THANKS... That's to this fantastic psychedelic stoner jamming band from ASCHAFFENBURG, Germany.
And now, let the music do the talking... aber bitte flaechig...
FULL SHOW (85:14 min.)
01. Intro -> Intention (9:35)
02. Enigma (7:10)
03. Drannel Xu Lop (8:27)
04. Ahimsa (5:17)
05. Neue 1 (8:02)
06. Tamas (6:45)
07. Flohzirkus (6:14)
08. Hymn'72 (12:11)
--- Encore ---
09. Encore call (1:33)
10. Space out (7:55)
11. Glow (12:00)
All as written on original setlist.
Support the artists. Go to their Shows! A full European Tour is announced from November/December...
The usual mindblowers onstage:
MATTE - monsterbass, annoucements
SEPPI - guitarspace
STEFFEN - thunderdrums
NORMAN - alienkeyboards
Images for this show: